See also:
- Ethnic Minority Section of the NCFR
- Ethnic Minority Family
research, policy, education, advocacy, therapy, etc. A Section of the National Council on
Family Relations.
- College Scholarships and
Graduate Fellowships for Women and Minorities - Sources of college financial aid for
women and minorities.
- - sells Americana on the
web from a different perspective! a multiethnic website that promotes and fosters cultural
understanding and appreciation.
- Ethnologue: Languages of the World - The
Ethnologue is a catalogue of more than 6,700 languages spoken in 228 countries. The
Ethnologue Name Index lists over 39,000 language, dialect, and alternate names. The
Ethnologue Language Family Index organizes languages according to language families.
- Low012's home of resistance - against racism
and nationalism - Add a banner to your homepage, that shows everybody that you don't
agree with racism and nationalism! Join now!
- Minority Business Development Agency (MBDA) - Federal
agency promoting the growth of businesses owned by ethnic minorities. Register on-line for
assistance with capital formation, marketing and management.
- Minority Business Entrepreneur Magazine - A
bimonthly publication for and about minority and women business owners. We focus on
affirmative action and contracting issues. We also offer information on Women's Business
Exclusive, a newsletter exclusively for women business owners.