- CANOE - Canadian Online Explorer
- The online
source for news, sports, entertainment, finance and business news in Canada.
- Cool to be Canadian Corp.
- A private,
federally chartered non-profit organization devoted to encouraging Canadians -
particularily young ones - to volunteer, participate, invent, create and generally have
fun celebrating our diversity as Canadians.
- 100% Canada - A site all about
Canada, with trivia, reviews, tourist information, and a whole lot more!
- The Canadian Heritage Garden - being installed at
Rideau Hall. The Garden is the initiative of the former Chatelaine, Mrs. Gerda Hynatshyn
- Canadian Provinces and Territories
- Text information about each of Canada's provinces and territories. Federal government
- Crazy Canucks Cross Country Adventure - Two
Vancouverites set out on a cross-country trip to get better acquainted with Canada.
Photos, What's Cool About Your City, Adventure Sports pages.
- Trans Canada Trail Foundation Entry Page - The Trans
Canada Trail is Canada's National Trail. It is the longest recreation trail in the World
and it is about to be born.
- Webgrrls Canada: Women on the Web - Webgrrls
Canada is an organization which serves as a learning and networking resource for women in
and interested in new media and the Internet. Locate a chapter near you, or start a
chapter of your own.
- Young Drivers of Canada - Driving schools for
young drivers, and new drivers of all ages, motorcycle and collision prevention offered at
franchise locations in Canada, the USA and Finland.
- Usenet soc.culture.canada - news:
- Usenet alt.travel.canada - news:
- Usenet misc.immigration.canada - news: