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You are here:  Home > Society > Activism
See also:
  • Clarity Web-Portal for Issue Resolution and Social Action.   - Details solutions and everyday actions we can take to confront the many issues we face: environmental, social, governmental, economic, etc. Provides links, essays, articles, and other resources to that end. Takes on a systemic/holistic view of the world and the issues we are facing.
  • If Not Now: Citizen's Lobbying Tool   - For busy, progressive people who want to stay informed and involved. Follow issues, send letters, monitor results on a wide range of issues sponsored by over a dozen major progressive organizations (including Sierra Club, NOW, Common Cause, Children's Defense Fund, ...), with daily updates, one-click letters to Congress, voter's scorecard, and more.
  • Activism, Boycotts, End Sweatshops & Child Labor - Co-op America's Sweatshops.org aims to end sweatshops and child labor; supports fair trade, international human and labor rights.
  • ActivistNet - New, comprehensive and advanced internet directory and online networking center for political activism and social change. Major issues include: Peace, Social Justice, Environment, Development, and Human Rights.
  • Altruism.org - New site dedicated to all types of altruistic projects. You can sign up here to register your project and fish around for helpers.
  • Americans Against Traffic Calming - Traffic calming measures can injure and even kill, this site claims. (But do they kill as many people as speeding motorists? Something to think about.)
  • Billboard Liberation Front - Improving outdoor advertising since 1977.
  • The Campaign for Real, Equitable Economic Development
  • Center for the Study of Popular Culture - "Political correctness, multiculturalism and other follies" Some legal activism; mainly theory.
  • CIVICUS - Worldwide Alliance for Citizen Participation - "Promoting a worldwide community of informed, inspired, committed citizens who are actively engaged in confronting the challenges facing humanity." In English, Espa�ol, Fran�ais.
  • Co-op America - Much more than just ethical shopping and investing - contains info on boycott campaigns; sweatshop activism; public service; barter and LETSystems to regenerate local economies in the service of local needs...
  • Direct Action (from The Nonviolence Web) - "Direct action differs from symbolic protest action, which is lobbying someone in authority to change their policies." News and other resources about direct action regarding varoius issues (peace, more).
  • Do Something - Young People Changing the World - Sponsored by MTV.
  • Electronic Frontier Foundation - "Protecting Rights and Promoting Freedom in the Electronic Frontier". Protects freedom of speech and privacy.
  • Free Republic - "...the government and the corporate media have over the years created, through regulation and policy, a liberal propaganda machine whose goal is to continue the expansion of a collective state and to control every aspect of our lives and fortunes. We on Free Republic are determined to speak out against this illegal alliance..."
  • Freedom Works! - "Freedom, guns, schools, taxes, crime, liberty, Freedom is the best way to obtain a peaceful and loving world."
  • Global Ideas Bank - An International Suggestion Box for socially innovative non-technological ideas and projects, with �1,000 UK sterling awards annually for the best ideas or projects submitted.
  • Howard's Notebook - Online since 1982 (!) supporting Peace, Justice and Freedom of Speech. Howard's Notebook was a BBS that has moved to the www. Message board, chat room and live video.
  • Industrial Workers of the World (IWW) - Radical labor union dedicated to preserving democracy by overthrowing the capitalist system.
  • June 4th Tenth Anniversary Signature Drive - Exiled student leader Wang Dan has launched a global signature drive for the rehabilitation of the June 4th Democracy Movement.
  • League of the NewJust - Concerned about growing environmental harm, the increasing power of transnational corporations and other matters which affect the quality of life on Earth. "The chains of capitalism and the quest for profit obscures the path leading to true happiness and self-actualisation. In ignorant denial, capitalists fail to acknowledge the inherent unsustainability of their system as well as its intrinsic wrongdoing, crime against, not only humanity, but against a larger purpose, against mother Gaia and the great interrelated systems of the Universe."
  • Life History & Media Project - What does it mean to be political these days? Young citizens tell their stories of using the media to inform themselves and get involved in politics.
  • Norbert's Bookmarks for Active People - "More than 15,000 links on: Peace, Disarmament, Human Rights, Environment, 3rd World, Social Justice, Politics, Iraq, Kosovo..."
  • OpenWords.Com - Site suggests why activism touches so few westerners and gives a simple why and how to speak up, to take a stand because activism is so important today.
  • Organisation for a Liberated Society - OLS has five defining principles which the organization pledges to act on. These address issues of race and cultural community, gender and sexuality, income and economic organization, diversity, political organization, and authority.
  • OurVoices - "Join the Global People's Assembly movement! Time has come to establish a true grassroots decision-making body to fill the void of global policy making. Millennium Peoples Assembly Network is a wide coalition of large and small organizations dedicated to the inclusion of the People in the new global power structure."
  • Policy.com: Advocacy Groups - Annotated collection of links to advocacy groups on a wide range of policy issues. Unfortunately it's not categorised, but you can use the Edit/Find feature on your browser to a find a word.
  • Protest.Net - Helps people find out about progressive protest, meetings, pickets, strikes, demonstrations, and conferences around the world by providing a central calendar where the times and locations can be posted.
  • Public Involvement Network (PIN) - Network members include community groups, consultants, government officials and activists. The international Network provides practical information about doing public involvement here and now.
  • Radicalism Collection - A collection of the grassroots of change. This is history, where activism began.
  • Save the Good Friday Agreement Coalition - Grassroots coalition from the USA to Ireland to Britain and Canada engaged in an attempt to save the Irish peace process. We must lobby Tony Blair and Bertie Ahern to keep the pledge they gave at the referendum when over 71% in the North of Ireland and over 90% in the South voted their choice for the future by passing the agreement with an overwhelming majority of the population of both sides of partition. Only the tho governments can save the failing peace process, this can only be done if the GFA is implemented NOW, it has been stalled for over a year, no time is left. Please help us, before Ireland is faced with another 30 years of burying their dead from war. Mise Eire
  • Student Activist Network - International network of student activists.
  • Sun Tzu - The art of war - Seminal text on war. Written in the 16th century. It has been suggested this could be applicable to campaigning and activism.
  • Tapestry 2000 - Women joining together to make an impact on our world by donating $1 each per month to a needy cause.
  • US Public Interest Research Group - A nonprofit, non-partisan organization dedicated to serving as a watchdog for the nation's citizens and environment.
  • WebActive - Weekly updated site offering progressive activists an up-to-date resource. News from Democracy Now, Pacifica, etc. - also has a WebActive Directory.
  • Workers World - Socialist party fighting on all issues facing the working class and oppressed peoples - Black and white, Latino, Asian, Arab and Native, women and men, young and old... Fights for a socialist society - where wealth is socially owned and production is planned for human need, not profit.
  • The World Revolution - A new, large-scale activist social movement for progressive social change, with a unified agenda and a comprehensive approach. Major objectives & issue areas include: peace, social justice, environmental balance, economic well-being, and ethical culture.
  • International Conference on Alternatives to Globalisation - Was attended by 100 delegates, and was held at the Development Academy of the Philippines in Tagaytay City, Philippines. The conference was followed by a global teach-in called "International Colloquium on Imperialist Globalization and Crisis.", a half-day event held at the University of the Philippines in Diliman, Quezon City, and was attended by more than 400 participants. (November 10, 1998)

  • Usenet alt.activism - news:
  • Usenet alt.activism.d - news:
  • Usenet misc.activism.progressive - news:
  • "Activism" search on:  
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