- What is growth? What is progress?
"Normal Productivity" counts oil spills, toxic cleanup, even increases in
prisons as "growth." New Genuine Progress Indicator at this site, reflects truer
costs of human activity, and presents a more honest economic model.
- Action Atlas, U.S. Arms Sales - The MoJo
Wire-- exposes Multinational Corporate arms sales. Questions? 415.241.9881
- Aim to understand what is in the
public interest? - These and other socially responsible premises are examined in the
light of electronic journalism
- Are we addicted to money and
consuming? - Hope Magazine, November 1998 editorial sees HOPE.
- Better World Magazine Online - Better World
electronic magazine is useful for ethics, investing, money management, and sustainability
information. Their news page (halfway down page linked here) is updated daily.
- Communications for a Sustainable Future - Various
links to organizations which work toward sustainable future. Includes environmental,
humanitarian, ethical investing anda activist sites.
- Computer Pro's for SR - Computer
Professionals "network" with position papers and information. CPSR is a
nationwide public-interest organization that examines the impact of technology on society.
- Consumer Angst - An
analysis of consumerism by Paul Lutus. Logical treatise that goes against the grain of
modern economic thinking.
- Co-op America - Green, responsible,
sustainable, just, diverse, fair, eco, SR, consumer and investment info and links. Has
Green Pages, WoodWise guide, $$ stuff, boycott news, action, campaigns; SR Forum and
Guide. Excellent materials and competent work.
- Corporate Hall of Shame - INFACT's activism
and boycott page details how tobacco, chemical and other allegedly unethical firms
orchestrate expensive, massive public relations campaigns to set the terms of political
- Family Wealth Building - The
planning is easy. Most people can reduce taxes, reduce spending and increase savings and
investment. The hardest thing for most of us is "Getting started."
- Fraud Information Center - Report or learn about
fraudulent products, services, companies.
- Friends of the Earth (FOE) US - Activist, FOE aims to
stop environmental degradation and preserve biological, cultural and ethnic diversity of
the planet
- Good Money Co - Internet Resources for Socially,
Ethically, Environmentally Responsible Investing, Consuming and Business and Corporate
Social Responsibility.
- Greenleaf Publishing - Greenleaf
Publishing specializes in environmental information.
- Greenwash, Jean wash, sweat
wash. - Kenny Bruno and Corp Watch show how firms like General Electric, Monsanto,
Nestles, many oil multinational firms "wash" over the truth to look ethical in
their behavior which closer investigations, belie.
- INFACT activists in social responsibility - INFACT
is currently organizing the Tobacco industry boycott, and the Hall of Shame Campaign
targeting Philip Morris, RJR Nabisco, Columbia/HCA, Dow Chemical, and WMX
Technologies(Waste Management.)
- Innovest - Firm provides detailed analysis
of corporate behavior through both software and logical review of firm's conduct. They
rate firms on environmental and other important SRI issues. Site has outline of selected
- Internet Resources - Mark
Gold's site has excellent references and links, including basic information such as which
common mutual funds own Monsanto. Free service informs those who care.
- Jessie Smith Noyes Foundation - This premier leader
in the socially responsible arena has excellent links and clear mission, values, conduct
and benefits to those interested in SRI.
- Minority Focused - Enables Minority and
Women-owned financial institutions as depositaries and financial agents, including Asian,
Black, Hispanic Banks, DC Taxes, Investment Clubs, socially responsible investments, and
minority employment in finance.
- Research Corporations -
Researching Large corporations was never easier than today. Check out your personal power
in the information age and see how you can help lift the veil on corporate "smoke and
- 1999 Social Investment Forum - The
premier Socially Responsible Investment organization. A great place to start (or end).
Their annual (hard copy) book is well worth an individual investor's time.
- Socially Responsible Investing issues -
Jesse Smith Noyes Foundation is a premiere nonprofit that looks how money can make or
break the world we live in.
- Susan Meeker-Lowry -
One of the clearest writers and thinkers about earth and human values gives this short
editorial comment, May 1997.
- Sustainable Business Network - SBN features a
library, specific business opportunities, bookstore and job center. A project of
EnviroLink Network. Includes sustainable stock watch.
- Whole Earth
Magazine - If you truly want to get involved in Social Responsibility, this is the
place to go. Information for experts and novices alike at Whole Earth Magazine