See also:
- Physics and Science Reference by
- Physics / science reference, physical constants, online unit
conversions, periodic table of elements, exact time, fundamental physical formulae and
equations and more.
- Acoustic material property tables
- Specialty Engineering Associates
- Astronomical constants from NASA
- Astronomical/space constants and equations
- Biocatalysis/Biodegradation
Database - University of Minnesota Biocatalysis/Biodegradation Database lists
microbial biocatalytic reactions and biodegradation pathways primarily for xenobiotic,
chemical compounds.
- Favorite Mathematical
Constants - Mathematical constants from Steven Finch and Mathsoft
- Fundamental Physical
Constants from NIST - CODATA Internationally recommended values for a wide range of
physical parameters (speed of light, Avogadro's constant, masses of elementary particles,
Planck constant, acceleration of gravity, etc.)
- Institute for Scientific Information (ISI) -
Scientific publication databases
- NIST General Tables of
Units of Measurement