See also:
- Getty Information Institute
- Bridging art
and technology, the Information Institute provides leadership in cultural heritage
networking for research, education, and community enrichment.
- Information Please
- Combines an
encyclopedia, a dictionary, and several up-to-the minute almanacs.
- Acronym Finder
- Active Voice | Body of Verbs
- Specialized - listing only verbs; limited because some part of the human body is the
principal actor in each base verb. The first goal of Body of Verbs is to promote concise,
powerful writing. The second goal is to provide a fast and easy way to find the right verb
for the job.
- All of the Embassies of Washington
D.C. - Alphabetical listing of D.C.'s Embassies
- any question! - Over 3,500
volunteer experts to answer all your questions.
- Arctic and Antarctic Regions - (AAR) is the world's
largest collection of international polar databases. A wide variety of sources are indexed
including: scientific periodicals, monographs,proceedings of conferences and symposia,
government reports, theses,dissertations, and books. Over 826,000 records.
- An Atlas of Cyberspaces -
An atlas of maps and graphic representations of the geographies of the new electronic
territories of the Internet, WWW and other emerging Cyberspaces.
- Avery Index to Architectural
- Best Information on the Net
- A guide to high-quality information resources on the net, appropriate for college
students, faculty and administration, chosen by a librarian/information specialist.
- Book - The Magazine for the Reading Life
- Census of Antique Art and
Architecture Known to the Renaissance - A multimedia database containing knowledge and
study of antique art and architecture by Renaissance-era artists, architects, and
- DMV Records - Find,driver records, vehicle
ownership records, vehicle plate records and driver abstracts
- Dumb Laws - a huge collection of the most
senseless laws in the entire United States.
- E-Conflict World Encyclopedia - Nations of the
World with anthems, flags, maps, news and weather. Resource for travel, students and
teachers. "1,400 pages of content intended to Eradicate Conflict by increasing
cultural awareness."
- Information Please Kids' Almanac - The
Infoplease Kids' Almanac is the largest free reference site just for kids! On-Line
Dictionary, Encyclopedia, and homework help. Find facts on thousands of subjects,
including sports, entertainment, geography, history, biography, education and health.
- Internet Public Library
- The Internet Scout
Report - Published every Friday both on the web and by email. Provides a convenient
way to stay informed. Valuable resource for educators on the Internet. A team of
professional librarians and subject matter experts select, research, and annotate each
resource. Located in the Department of Computer Sciences at the University of
- Martindale's The Reference Desk
- My Virtual Reference Desk - Text Version
- THOR+: The Virtual
Reference Desk
- Trussel's EclectiCity - Links cataloged in the
form of on-line publishing: stories, articles, dictionaries, bibliographies, song-lists,
word-lists, phone-lists, translations...
- The Universal Currency Converter -
Convert amounts in any currency into any other, with one click.
- The Virtual Encyclopedia - brought to
you by ABP
- What Do You Want to
Know Today? - Ancient and classic culture, literature and languages search and
retrieval tool.
- Witt Computer Index -
Contains information on more than one million photographic reproductions of American and
British works of art.