- Colorado Swimming Inc.
- News, meet
results, schedules and much more.
- Aquaproducts International - The world number
one leader in swimming pools cleaning technology. - Come visit us and see for yourself. We
have equipment for any pool size or type.
- Aquatome - The Web's Largest Aquatic
- Croydon Amphibians Swimming Club - This
Swimming Club caters for all sections of competitive swimming including Masters and Water
Polo. All swimmers welcome from 0yr to 100yr olds.
- De Homepage van Zwem en Poloclub Bolsward
- A Dutch site about swimming. With a lot of swim news, pictures and news about Zwem en
Poloclub Bolsward.
- Frisian Swimming Championships -
Visit the site about the Frisian Swimming Championships, with the Frisian Records, lots of
pictures and (afterwards) the results.
- International Swimming Hall of Fame
- Kieren Perkins -
Australian freestyle swimmer who has broken 12 world records
- M-SWIM, the UK results service. -
Somewhere to dump your competition results and where every one else can download them.
- NISCA National Records -
NISCA Independent School Records
- Nuoto Piemontese - North italian's Swim Club
- The Sporting Spot - Sells competetive
swimming products from top name manufacturers like TYR, Zoggs and Amerisport. Swim gear
includes goggles, caps, fins, shampoo, bags and parkas.
- Sports A to Z: Swimming:
- SWIM GYM, shop, school, team, & camp - SWIM
GYM, "one stop shop" for all aquatic needs, SCHOOL - conquer fear of water, TEAM
- age group/Master's, CAMP - Aquatic Sports Camp
- Swim Central - Get workouts and
training tips, find great links and meet other swimmers at Swim Central. Also a great page
for younger swimmers.
- The Swim Ring - A webring-like site
that allows swimming sites to link to each other.
- The Swim Ring - A swimming related
web ring which includes stats and software coded by the site owner.
- Swim2000 Web Site
- swim.com
- Swimmers Guide Online - An online directory of
full-size, year-round pools in along with admission cost, pool description, and more. This
databse is international.
- Swimming - The Ron Collins Home Page
- Swimming for adult swimmers with a complete list of swimming events and links. The
Florida Grand Prix Open Water Poll. The 24 Mile Tampa Bay Marathon Swim. The Tampa Bay 5k
Open Water Challenge. Distance Matters swimming newsletter.
- The Swimming Index - Large
automated index of swimming sites.
- Swimming Science
Journal - Sports science information for coaching serious and elite swimmers - from
the personal files of Professor Brent S. Rushall.
- Swimnews Online - Swimming news and information
- SwimToWin.com - Swimwear online: Tyr, Nike,
Speedo, and much more!
- Taper & Shave - Swimming information and
- WebSwim : The Internet's Swimming Resource -
Information on technique, olympic swimmers, swimming mail-order sites and links to all the
latest news.
- The Yellow Pages of Swimming - Swimming
jumpsite, featuring a comprehensive set of aquatics links.
- Usenet rec.sport.swimming - news: