- Al-Aqsa Islamic Website
- Every Friday
after Juma Prayer direct from Al-Aqsa Masjid in Al-Quds (Jerusalem) occupied Palestine a
speech in Arabic is given available in Real Audio. English transcripts are available.
- About Islam and Muslims - About
Islam and Muslims
- Al Hajj : Hajj & Umrah
Islamic Travel Portal (TM) - COMPREHENSIVE Hajj & Umrah Related Travel, Islamic,
Religious, Practical, Weather & Govt. info. Advice, News and Links for non Muslims and
Muslims alike about Islam's Fifth pillar, The Pilgrimage to Makkah, Saudi Arabia. CNN, BBC
News, USA Today & others use as a reference site for Hajj & Umrah stories.
"Advice & Tips", On-line discussions with Alims, Mailing List, Travel Agent
Survey (for Hajj & Umrah to Saudi Arabia) , multimedia enabled site!
- Al Islaam Home Page - Islam is explained from all
perspectives including rich content on Sufism.
- Al Kaaravan Hajj &
Umrah Travel Agencies Listings - Al Kaaravan Hajj & Umrah Travel Agencies
Listings, Reviews, Comparisons, Advice & Suggestions. Non COMMERCIAL site providing
service to Muslims planning to go for Hajj. Site is NOT affiliated with any travel agency
thus it is an objective critique. Global listings coming soon!
- Al Muhaddith Islamic Library and Search Program -
FREE Download: Major Islamic books library (Quran, Hadith, Fiqh, Dictionaries) 160MB,
search software for Arabic Windows 98, 95. Dictionary double click, Prayer Times Program.
- Albalagh - Many articles on Islam and contemporary
issues. Includes articles by Mufti Taqi Usmani.
- Alharamain Islamic Foundation
- Alharamain Foundation is a private,charitable and educational organization tasked with
conveying the true Islamic teachings throughout the world.
- Al-Islam Information Website - Belief's
regarding god, how Muslims pray.
- All Muslim Women's Guide to Islam - S.A.D.A. Site
- Come learn and ask questions! Muslim women's organization run by American women converts
to Islam.
- Call to Islaam Website
- Call to Islaam website, buzzing with information and articles on Islaam. With sections
on the Qur'an, Sunnah, Tawheed (Islamic Monotheism), Divine nature of the Qur'an, Women in
Islaam, Islaam and the previous Prophets, Why we chose Islaam, Audio lectures and links.
- Converts To Islam - This page is dedicated
to all converts to Islam everywhere. It is built and maintained by converts to Islam also.
This page was built to assist new Muslims in learning more about their new found faith. If
you are new to Islam or you are just interested in learning more about Islam, we would
like to really hear from you. This page is being constantly updated so please return often
- The DEED-IRR -Deed Islamic Resources Repository
Homepage - A site of the International Islamic University of Malaysia with links to
many useful Islamic sites. Highly efficient.
- Discover Islam
- Discover Islam....A Way of Life
- A Convert's view on Islam
- Free Muslim Resources -
Qur'an,Hadith,Da'wah and Islamic information for non-muslims.
- Gender Equity in Islam - Jamal A.
Badawi, Ph.D. World Assembly of Muslim Youth WAMY Studies on Islam
- The Institute of Islamic Information and Education
- Introducing Islam -
Islam refuses to accept any form of creation whatsoever as a deity worthy of worship.
Nothing is worthy of worship except the One True God who created the heavens and the earth
and all that is contained in it.
- Introduction to Islam for Beginners
(non-Muslims) - Introduction TO ISLAM .com is a website dedicated to the introduction
of this beautiful faith to non-Muslims. Please go through the different sections of our
site and learn more about this religion of more than 1 billion people.
- Investigating Islam - Convincing details about
the truth of Islam and why Islam is the true religion.
- Is there a God -
Is there a God? Who'm must we Worship
- ISLAM - Contains many issues about Islam and
links to many sites and web pages about Islam in different languages
- Islam - Islam based on
Qur'aan and Authentic Sunnah the way the Prophet(pbuh)taught and his Companions understood
and Practiced it!
- Islam - A nice site about Islam;
useful to both muslims and non-muslims
- Islam
- Islam - A Religion for All Mankind
- Islam Choose Your Path - A
nice site about Islam, women and many other issues
- The Islam Page - Information on Islam, Muslims,
Allah, Muhammad, Salvation, Jesus - Learn about the way of Life called Islam. This
site contains many links for you to find information on God, Jesus, Bible, the Quran,
Muslims, etc.
- Islam, Quran, Muhammed
- Islam: The Eternal Path to Jannah - Islamic
information, articles, Quran recitionand resources for Muslims, Muslim women and religious
spiritual seekers on the way of life that is called Islam, peace and submission to God.
- Islam: The Fastest Growing Religion on Earth!
Learn about Islam - Learn About The Fastest Growing Religion on Earth... Islam! Why
not Explore! Discover! & Be convinced that Islam is the
- Islam: the message of all the Prophets, the reflect
of the pure intellect - IslamIQ - IslamIQ - This site aims to give clear and true
information about the Islamic Creed according to 'Ahl Ul Sunnah wal Jama'a' in Polish.
There is also useful information for Muslims wishing to visit Poland. Addresses and
telephone numbers to Islamic Organisations and Mosques in Poland
- Islamic Computing Centre U.K. - IslamicSoft
Software Series.
- Islamic Information - Dawah -
Introduces Islam in a clear concise manner.
- Islamic Studies
- Islamic Studies, Islam, Arabic,and Religion
- A comprehensive, non-polemical and non-sectarian resource on Islam designed for
students, scholars, and the general public. It includes pages on Sunni Islam, Shi'ism,
Sufism, Qur'an, Muhammad, hadith, theology, religious practice, women, history,
philosophy, art and architecture, music, Arabic and other Islamic languages, Islam in the
U.S. and the modern world, countries of the Muslim world, and also pages on Judaism and
- ISPRIN: Islamic Propagation on the Internet - New
research study based entirely on Quranic and Biblical verses describing the connection
between Islam and Jesus.
- Jesus the Messiah in the Muslim Holy
Qur'an - Jesus the Messiah in the Muslim Holy Quran and the Holy Bible. See the titles
the Holy Qur'an gives Jesus.
- Khutbah Online: Sermons in RealAudio -
Islamic Khutbahs (Sermons) & lectures in RealAudio delivered by Sheikh Hafiz A. Waheed
at Masjid Al-Farouq in Houston, TX USA
- Koran, The - Search the Qur'an for
verses and chapters
- Main Page
- New Millennium: An up-to-date understanding of life as informed by Prophet Mohammed
under the illumination of Modern Science - Islamic Path.
- Mosque of the Internet - Mosque of the
Internet, the prime site on Islam not Muslims
- MUSLIM ANSWERS - Main - The Muslim Answers
site is dedicated to presenting the pure teachings of Islam, correcting misconceptions
about Islam and refuting the lies, distortions and false accusations of Christian
missionaries and Orientalists.
- Muslim Matrimonial Link - Muslim Matrimonial site
on the Web, ad placement and lookup
- The Muslim Student Homepage - Umar ibn Abdul
Aziz (ra) once said, "Taqwa is not by fasting the Day and not by praying the night.
And its not by mixing between the two of them. But taqwa is leaving what Allah (swt)
has made Haram and by doing what Allah (swt) has made Fard. After one has done this, Allah
(swt) will provide good things for that person."
- Prayer Time Calculator - (based on ITimer
- Project Open Book - Please
wait to be transferred to Project Open Book
- Quran Browser Basic Home
Page - The Quran Browser is a simple but powerful interface designed to help you
explore the Holy Quran actively - in a way that's not possible with traditional printed
- Radio Al-Islam - Islam :The
who,what,where,when,why and how
- Radio Islam WWW - Radio Islam is fighting against
all kinds of racism. Zionism, an extension of judaism, is the most widespread form of
racism known today! Radio Islam is also fighting for the freedom of speech, and the right
to know the truth about World War II.
- Reminder - A site with many
issues about Islam
- Revelation -
- Salaam - The premier resource for Islamic related
- Sheikh Omar Bakri Mohammad Homepage - Articles on
Vital Islamic Issues, Islamic Concepts, Islamic Systems, and Juristic Topics.
- A Simple Path To Islam - A great guide for
those who are new to learning about Islam.Lots of links to Islamic resources. Lots of info
for muslim women. Links to muslim clothing stores.
- A Site Deticated To Islam
- A site deticated to people who are considering islam or who are trying to find out more
about islamic topics.
- Stories of New Muslims - Stories
of New Muslims
- Thomas (Aalim Zakee) Fevens: Home
Page - Thomas (Aalim Zakee) Fevens
- The Truth About Islam | Best, Short Introduction
to Islam
- The truth about the cult calling itself
Ahmadiyyat ( Qadianism , Mirzaiyyat , Lahorism ) - This site has been dedicated to the
cause of Islam and the Finality of Prophethood (Khatmay-Nabuwat) of the last prophet of
Allah, Muhammad (S). Our main objective consists of exposing the Qadiani cult and their
non-Islamic belief.
- Understanding Islam - This
site is based on the concept of Islam derived only from the Qur'an and the Sunnah of the
Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him).
- The Wisdom Fund
- Women in Islam - An online
book describing the rights of Women in Islam and how they're supposed to be treated.
- Usenet alt.religion.islam - news:
- Usenet soc.religion.islam - news: