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You are here:  Home > Society > Issues > Drugs
See also:
  • The Drug Story   - Earth-shattering revelations about drugs and the sinister Rockefeller empire.
  • U.S. Government the World's Leading Drug Peddler   - The US government has played a leading role in stimulating drug trafficking since World War II, as this article by Noam Chomsky shows.
  • Cyber-Booze - Do we have a rampant problem with kids buying alcohol on the Net, or is this media distortion?
  • The Dancing Bears: Tales from Jails by Gary Waid - Prisoner of America's War on Drugs tells it like it is in the United States Prison Industrial Complex.
  • Drug Testing Law [About.Com] - Selected Web resources on drug testing law, particularly in the employment context.
  • DrugNet - Information and harm-reduction project, with details of Drug Net BBS, related mailing lists, and links.
  • Human Rights and the Drug War - In a photographic essay, the public sees the actual faces of people filling American prisons today and learns the case histories of selected inmates whose sentences illustrate the often harsh and arbitrary policies imposed on first-time, non-violent drug offenders.
  • MAMA (Mothers Against Misuse and Abuse) - A Rational Approach to the Issues of Drug Use & It's Effect On The Family. Providing a holistic approach to the many aspects of substance use. Current scientific drug education to all ages of society. Social and recreational alternatives to drug use. Questioning of the techniques of advertising all drugs and it's effect on our entire population. Promoting better communication between policy makers, educators, law enforcement, service providers, seniors, parents and youth.
  • Narconon Reducing the Drug Problem
  • National Drug Strategy Network - Information sharing network. Takes no official positions on policy matters.
  • November Coalition - The casualties of America's War on Drugs and what you can do to end the drug war.
  • Phill's Trippen Stories - Short stories dealing with drug problems among teenagers and young adults.
  • Snitch - PBS program which investigates how a fundamental shift in the country's anti-drug laws - including federal mandatory minimum sentencing and conspiracy provisions - has bred a culture of snitching that is in many cases rewarding the guiltiest and punishing the less guilty.
  • Terminal Wing-Ding Club, The - Aims to support aged and terminally ill members who wish to follow the example of Aldous Huxley, Timothy Leary and others, in acting to achieve a beneficial perceptual shift or chemically induced state of grace at the point and time of their deaths.
  • Youth program dedicated to drug prevention - Drugs Bite
  • Carr tells: my drug law switch [Sydney Morning Herald] - The Australian Premier has conceded that his position on drug law reform has softened as a result of the Drug Summit which wound up a historic week in NSW politics yesterday, recommending changes beyond the expectations of even its more enthusiastic advocates... "As people start talking to you about battling drugs, it's very hard to withdraw compassion," he said. (May 2, 1999)

  • Usenet talk.politics.drugs - news:
  • "Drugs" search on:  
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