- Ethics Update Site
- Effective meta-site containing
facilitated access to relevant articles, books, court decisions, and current news
articles. Biographical guide, discussion forum, Internet resources.
- Abortion: Right or Wrong, Some Facts
- "Of those who read this article, the pro-lifers will tend to think it's
pro-abortion, and the abortion advocates will tend to think it's pro-life. This is because
of a certain set of flaws in the attitudes of both sides."
- Abortion-related
articles from the Atlantic Monthly archives
- Abortion-What do you think?
- Online gallery of artwork from both sides of the abortion issue.
- Callahans
on Pluralistic Dialogues and Consensus, The - "Breaking through the
Stereotypes," written by the pro-choice Director of the Hastings Institute and a
pro-life psychology professor - who are also married to one another.
- Common Ground Network for
Life and Choice - promotes and assists dialogue between pro-choice and pro-life
- Court
of Appeals' Decision on Parental Notification (4th Cir. 1998) - Decision which upheld
the Virginia parental notification - abortion statute. "To hold otherwise, we are
convinced, would be to turn child from parent, and parent from child ...." Full text.
- Fairfield County Weekly:
Roe v. Wade - Five articles about abortion in America before the Roe v. Wade decision.
One is a personal account of the reasons for being a pro-life activist. The other four
look at various aspects of the history of abortion in the U.S., from a pro-choice
- Fetal Psychology -
Research study published in Psychology Today (Oct. 1998)addresses the relative
developmental capabilities of the human fetus at particular gestation points. Relevant to
abortion considerations.
- International
Abortion Policies - Effective graphical summary of 100 major nations' abortion
- Kaiser Daily Health Reports: Reproductive Health
- Daily reports on reproductive issues; often includes abortion-related news.
- On Abortion: A
Lincolnian Position - Principled yet pragmatic, Lincoln's stand on slavery offers a
basis for a new politics of civility that is at once anti-abortion and pro-choice.
Published in the Atlantic Monthly, September 1995.
- The Right to Incite
- Question: Did anti-abortion activists have a legal right to post information about
doctors who perform abortions?
- Roe
v. Wade (1973) - The U.S. Supreme Court decision which struck down many state laws
restricting abortion. At the Legal Information Institue (Cornell University).
- Safe Motherhood Initiative - Information on
maternal health issues world-wide, including unwanted pregnancy and unsafe abortion.
- Ultimate Abortion Law Homepage -
Text and commentary on Roe v. Wade and its successors. Other legal elements of abortion
issue including state and canon law.
- Usenet talk.abortion - news: