See also:
- Community Psychology Network
- A
comprehensive guide to the field of community psychology, prevention, intervention, and
action research meant to be a resource for professionals, professors, students, and
advocates. The site contains listings to professional groups, funding sources, student
resources, graduate school, a bulletin board, and job announcements.
- AHP Directory Of Humanistic
Professionals - Professional category membership by location. The Association for
Humanistic Psychology.
- Defining Human Psychology -
The origins of mental illness, defining human psychology and the uses of subliminal
behavioural modification - case histories and possible treatments. Human developmental
- DrDriving teaches you driving psychology - Dr.
Leon James, Professor of Traffic Psychology at the University of Hawaii, and founder of
Driving Psychology. Articles on road rage, international driver survey, state legislation,
research articles.
- PsiRo - First Romanian psychology site
featuring articles, biographies, online tests, humor, free books.
- Psych Central - One of the oldest guides to
psychology online.
- Psychology of Religion - Resources for
people interested in psychology and religion. Includes course syllabi, bibliography,
theoretical perspectives, addresses of professional organizations, and William James's
Varieties of Religious Experience.
- Psychology Online Resource Central - A
resource for psychology students and their professors.
- Usenet sci.psychology.misc - news:
- Usenet sci.psychology.psychotherapy - news: