- About Rhode Island - Facilities around Rhode
- Area Guide Website for Rhode Island
- Rhode Island complete guide to area. Find listing for lodging, real estate, restaurants
& entertainment in city and surrounding area. City Directory | complete business
listings & much more.
- Bonnet Shores Beach Club -
Private Beach Club located in Narragansett, RI. - Bonnet Shores Beach Club Condominium
Association (BSBC)
- Find Rhode Island - Searchable Guide -
Find anything in Rhode Island.
- Newcomers Club Directory for Rhode Island
- A Rhode Island directory of Newcomers Clubs, which help integrate new residents into the
local community through social events, interest groups and children's activities
- Ocean State Online - Growing local web site sponsered
by Cox Interactive Media, ABC6, WLNE.
- Ocean State Webring -
Rhode Island - Hundreds of Rhode Island home pages linked together in a ring
- Official City Sites - State of
Rhode Island Cities - (or near official)
- Rhode Island Bestlinx Link
Directory - A comprehensive Rhode Island link page with links to over 1200 Rhode
Island websites in 60 categories. A free community service of Beavertail Media.
- Rhode
Island Maps - The Perry-Casta�eda Library Map Collection.
- Rhode Island State Capital Constitution
Flags Maps Song Symbols - Rhode Island information resource links to state homepage,
symbols, flags, maps, constitutions, representitives, songs, birds, flowers, trees.
- RIPTA - Rhode Island Public Transportation - Public
transportation in RI -- The Rhode Island Public Transit Authority (RIPTA) website has
updated bus schedules, fares, and information on special services, including travel to
tourist attractions around the state.
- Stately Knowledge: Rhode Island:
Just the Facts - Basic facts about Rhode Island
- WxUSA - Weather Links For Rhode Island Cities -
WxUSA is a "Weather Hub" site that offers an extensive list of weather links for
over 1295 US cities including links to current conditions, forecasts, radar, maps, weather
cams, kid's weather and more for each city. WxUSA is easy to navigate and use.