- Prehistory - Alaska
- Prehistory of Alaska - photo image display of various hunting and
utility tools that were used by the Inuit, Eskimo and Aleut.
- Subsistence
Hunting in Alaska
- isolated areas are filled with people who still maintain communities
based on ancestral traditions and culture. Included in these traditions and culture is a
rich history that is linked to their land and resources. These people pass their history,
culture, and identity down from generation to generation in order to preserve their
traditions. In many of these communities hunting, fishing, trapping, and gathering
continue to be the main or only source of food and income.
- Alaska - News of the
- The Alaska Chamber Singers - Alaska's premier
choral ensemble. Founded in 1986 by Elvera Voth, the 40-voice chorale performs concerts of
choral music of many styles, both a cappella and accompanied, with emphasis on classical.
- Alaska Culture
- Alaskan Travel, Eskimo, Denali National Park, Denali Wilderness, Discovering Alaska,
Eskimo Culture, Pictures of Alaska, Indian
- Alaska Folk Dance Listings - Alaska
folk dance groups and related websites. Since 1970, we've helped people discover folk,
contra and square dance as a new hobby, pastime, fitness/exercise program, way to meet
people and family recreation, include folk dance in their travel plans and advertise their
folk dance events.
- Alaska Fur Exchange - Native Arts -
Crafts - Alaska's largest fur pelt dealer also offering the state's largest selection
of authentic Eskimo arts and crafts, furs and Alaskan made souvieners.
- Alaska Historical Society - The official site
of the Alaska Historical Society, home to information about Alaska history and local
historical societies throughout the state.
- Alaska History - Alaska has a wonderful
multi-cultural history. Originally inhabited by Northwest Asian peoples at least 12,000
years ago, the area attracted wider attention with Russian exploration in 1741.
- Alaska Native Brotherhood Camp 2
- to commemorate the fine qualities of the Native race of North America and to preserve
their story, lore, art and virtues; to cultivate the morality, education, commerce and
civil government of Alaska to improve individual and municipal health and laboring
- Alaska Native Costume Links - This
Page is part of The Costumer's Manifesto, written by Tara Maginnis of The University of
Alaska Fairbanks.
- Alaska Native Culture - Issues
of Alaskan Native Culture: language and culture groups, ... As reference material for
other pages on the Orthodox Church in America website.
- Alaska Native culture, Indian Natives of
Alaska, Subsistence - Athabaskan, Inupiat, Tlingit, subsistence, traditions, costumes,
food, culture
- Alaska Native Heritage Center
- Since time immemorial, Alaska Natives have been sustained by the guiding light of
tradition. A wealth of history, wisdom and knowledge is handed down from generation to
generation, ensuring survival through the changes and challenges of this great land.
- Alaska Native Knowledge Network - designed to
serve as a resource for compiling and exchanging information related to Alaska Native
knowledge systems and ways of knowing.
- Alaska Office - Preservation
- Representatives of museums and cultural centers from all parts of Alaska met at the
Anchorage Museum of History and Art from May 20 - 24, 1996, for five days of intensive
training with Smithsonian experts in techniques for preserving the products and records of
Alaska Native tradition.
- Alaska Society and Cultural -
history, general information, science, and statistical abstracts.
- Alaska State Library Home Page
- Quick Information Directory
- Alaskan Native Art
Virtual Museum. - This website was created by third through six grade students from
William Tyson Elementary School. It was started in September 1997 and completed in March
1998. We've researched about Alaskan Natives' culture and their art.
- Alaska's Many Cultures -
Alaskans are the children of many nations. The legacy of Inupiat and Yupik Eskimos,
Aleuts, and Athabascan, Haida, Tlingit, and Tsimshian Indians. The descendants of
Russians, and rugged prospectors.
- Aleut & Alutiiq
Culture of the Aleutian Region - Stretching like a rocky necklace from Asia to North
America, the Aleutian Islands and the nearby Alaska Peninsula are the home of the
Unangan,"the original people." The term "Aleut" was introduced by
Russians and comes originally from the Koryak or Chukchi languages of Siberia; it appears
to have been quickly adopted by the Aleut people themselves (Lantis,1985)
- Aleut Culture - When the Siberian
Russians first visited the islands they were first likely to have been, in the more
populous areas, greeted by a number of Aleuts in their one, two or three-man kayaks,
sometimes offering gifts as a show of friendship or for gift-exchanging.
- Alutiiq Museum &
Archaeological Repository - Explore 7,500 years of Kodiak's cultural history at the
Alutiiq Museum & Archaeological Repository.
- Alutiiq Word of the
Week - A weekly Alutiiq language and culture lesson. Produced by KMXT, Kodiak, Alaska
Public Radio Station, Alutiiq teacher Florence Pestrikoff, Alutiiq Museum Deputy
Director/Curator Amy Steffian. Corporation
- APRN - Alaska Public Radio Network - The Alaska Public
Radio Network, APRN, is a local news radio network founded in 1978 to cross the natural
geographic barriers inherent to Alaska's vast geographic size, and to bridge the
communication gap inherent to its cultural diversity.
- Archaeology of the Tundra and Arctic
Alaska - In an area stretching along the coastline from Bristol Bay and the Alaska
Peninsula, along the Bering Sea and Chukchi Sea coasts, northward around Alaska, and
eastwards across the arctic all the way to Greenland, the coastline is ice-bound in winter
and the terrain is generally treeless. In this zone, which can be up to several hundred
kilometers broad, developed much of the culture of modern Eskimo (Inupiat and Yupik in
Alaska) peoples.
- Arctic Circle: History &
Culture - "When undertaking developmental or other activities of any nature,
planners and decision-makers must not simply view the Arctic as an exploitable frontier
...Northern development must refer to more than economic growth. It must allow for and
facilitate spiritual, social, and cultural development." Inuit Circumpolar Conference
Agayuliyararput: Our Way of Making Prayer is the first exhibit of Yup'ik material
presented by a collaboration of native Alaskan people, researchers and museum
professionals. View this special slide show presentation of Yup'ik Masks with commentary,
video and audio, online.
- Arctic/Northern Culture - Home Page - THE
starting place for exploring the circumpolar North, from your Guide at About.com
- ArtNatAm - Federally Recognized Native
Entities of Alaska - Fine art exhibit by prominent Native American artists. Fine art
with a Message!
- Castle Hill
Archaeological Project - During the summer of 1997, the Alaska Office of History and
Archaeology conducted archaeological excavations at Sitka's Baranof Castle State Historic
Site in conjunction with construction activities. Castle Hill, as this location is more
commonly known, is one of Alaska's most important historical sites because it is
identified with events significant in national, state, and local history.
- Central Council of Tlingit & Hiada Indian
Tribes of Alaska - We are the tribal government representing over 22,000 Tlingit and
Haida Indians worldwide. We are a sovereign entitiy and have a government to government
relationship with the United States.
Chilkat Blanket weaving originated with the Tsimshian people (near Wrangell) but later
spread to the Tlingits through trade and marriage. The Chilkat Tlingits (near Haines) who
developed their own design style became the best and most copious weavers. These blankets,
requiring a year of hard work to make, were highly sought by northwest coast Indian
nobility long before the first explorers came to this region.
- CMCC -
Digital Collection - Clothing - Clothing among Native peoples varies in both style and
raw material, reflecting cultural preferences and the environmental conditions found in
each region of Canada. It was frequently adorned with elaborate and colourful designs and
motifs. These often serve to identify the tribal group that manufactured the clothing and
the time period of manufacture.
- Crossroads of Continents -
Human populations began moving into Northeastern Siberia over 16,000 years ago from the
more temperate regions of eastern Asia, spreading north and east with the passing of the
last Ice Age until they crossed into the Americas via Alaska. That great migration was
only the beginning of the story...
- Elemental Forms
- derived from Yupik and Inupiat dance performance.
- Eskimo Culture - Alaska is still
the last frontier in the minds of many Americans. Interest in the "Great Land"
has increased sharply since Alaska became a full fledged state in January of 1959. In
spite of this great interest, many Americans know very little of the Eskimos, Indians and
Aleuts (Al-ee-oots) who live in the remote regions.
- Fort Ross Global Village - project is
bringing children from Russia, Alaska, and California together on the Internet to study
archaeology and history at Fort Ross, site of an 1812-1841 Russian settlement on
California's North Coast.
- Institute of American Indian and Alaska Native
Culture and Arts Development Contents - IAIA is a national Native American fine arts
college in Santa Fe, New Mexico. It is dedicated solely to the study and practice of
American Indian and Alaska Native arts and culture.
- Kodiak, Alaska - Official Visitors Guide -
Alutiiq People of Kodiak Island - Kodiak, Alaska has a rich cultural heritage, going
back thousands of years.
- Museums Alaska - committed to preserving the
natural and history of Alaska. Preserving the culture of Native culture and artifacts for
future generations.
- Native American foods,
culture - Food and culture are entertwined for many Native Americans, and Native
groups. Living off the land is called "subsisting" or the Subsistence Lifeway.
Preserving the knowledge of Native foods is part of the struggle of preserving a culture.
- The Russian Church and Native
Alaskan Cultures - The coming together of a renowned scholar and a rich, but
relatively unknown and unused archive of historically significant documents is a rare
phenomenon. Last winter the Librarian of Congress, Dr. James H. Billington, asked Dr.
Vyacheslav Ivanov, one of the foremost linguists of our day, to review and evaluate the
Alaskan Russian Church Archives
- Shamanism - One of the more
colorful and fascinating aspects of Tlingit ceremonial history is shamanism. The Tlingit
Indians believed in malevolent spirits that interfered with their lives. Only an
individual who possessed certain knowledge, i.e. the shaman, could intercede and break
their power.
- Tlingit
Armor - This selection of armor, which dates from the late nineteenth century, was
made by the Tlingit Indians, a group of American Indian tribes who live on the coast of
southeast Alaska. The Tlingit, like most tribes of the Northwest, were warlike. They
raided and took revenge on neighboring tribes and, later, fought with early Russian
settlers in Alaska.
- Tlingit Native American
culture - The origin of the Tlingit people is not certain. It is possible the people
came from the coast of Asia and Japan migrating north and east across the Aleutians and
Guff of Alaska into Southeast Alaska. Art forms and physical features of the Tlingit are
similar to some Pacific groups.
- University of Alaska Museum Fine Arts
Collection - The collection represents an invaluable record of Alaska's cultural
richness and aesthetic diversity and includes nearly 3,000 works of art. The major focus
of the collection is Alaskan regional art - historic through contemporary - and is
composed of all major mediums of visual expression.
- Wolf Song of Alaska - a private,
non-profit, apolitical organization dedicated to achieving an understanding of the wolf
through education and awareness.