- UselessKnowledge.com
- Trivia,
Quotes, Imponderables. Remember the only useless knowledge is that which we do not know.
Stop by for the Fact of the Day, Quote of the Day, Imponderables, Useless Search, Trivia
Quiz, Random Factoid, Pot Luck Quote, Useless Site Awards and more.
- Abby's Absolutely Incredible
Quotes! - Come read the most incredible quotes known to this earth. Quotes ranging
from Shakespheare to some guy named Ben Pollard! Submit your own favorite quotes. We have
every decent quote every quoted. There is not a better quotes page on the internet!
- AbsoluteTrivia.com - The Totally Trivia Search
Engine - An online index of more than 5,000 quotations, trivia tidbits, tests, and
useless facts. If it isn't here - it isn't Trivia.
- Aphorisms Galore! - Find witty sayings by
author or category, read background info, and contribute your own favorite sayings.
- Bartlett's Familiar
Quotations, 9th ed. - Searchable, provided in electronic format by Project Bartleby at
Columbia University.
- Cole's Quotables - A quotations resource that
includes a number of large and fairly well-attributed collections of quotes.
- Collected Wisdom and Lore -
Collected Wisdom and Lore in English and German.
- Common Genius: Genius Quotations -
You have the Common capacity for Genius. Our collection of quotations and links will help
you to realize your potential for genius. Quotes on genius, knowledge, wisdom, creativity,
challenge, and emotion.
- Cool Quotes Collection - A collection
of some of the coolest, stupidest and most thoughtful quotes ever being conceived. From
Voltaire to restroom-graffiti.
- Creative Quotations - A
comprehensive quotation site that can be searched/perused in multiple ways; through
different thematic concepts (such as quotations addressing the theme of Adoption,
Nurturing inter alia); or one can search by keyword for a particular quotation; or by a
particular author. Also included are areas for quotational poetry, a thematic quotation
calender, quotations from famous individuals born on the current date, and a "Test
your QQ (Quotational Quotient)" section. Highly recommended.
- Cyber Quotations - This site contains tons
of inspirational quotations, stories and products that will motivate and uplift the
visitors for the purpose of individual success. It is the one stop to get inspired!
- Daily Pages - Pages include daily
quotes from love poems, daily channeling by LadySkyeFyre, daily personal growth
quotations, horoscopes, comics, cartoons, news and more.
- Death Quotes - Quotations
about death, dying, abortion, assassination, funerals, graves, killing, murder, suicide,
and other pleasantly morbid topics.
- >> Double Arrow Quotations - An
ever growing database of fun, historical, and important quotations.
- Einstein Quotes Page -
Words of Wisdom from Albert Einstein
- Famous Insults - Sarcastic
Celebrity Quotes. Insults and derogatory comments by people who weren't afraid to speak
their minds.
- Famous quotes - Phrases worth considering
- About a hundred proverbs and famous quotations, sorted by subject, selected by Gunnar
- Famous Quotes and Quotations:
Best Sites & Links - A quick reference guide to some of the best quotation sites
- Famous Quotes from the Famous Bill
Austin - The Famous Bill Austin's Famous Quotes page and an explanation of why he is
- Food for Thought - Mind
expanding quotations on philosophy and religion.
- Freeality Online Quotations -
Search a wide variety of sites for the exact Phrase or Quotation you seek.
- Freedom's Nest - A database of over 1600
quotes in the spirit of market humanism, from Mark Twain to Ayn Rand. One can search by
general subject, specific subject, specified author; or obtain random quotes via the
"QuotesNow" section.
- Gem Of Proverbs & Poems - Famous Proverbs,
Inspirational Quotations, Classic Poems, Visual Poetry, English and Chinese Verse,
Beautiful Images With Poems. A Casual, Instructive, Serene Site For Art And Literature.
- Generation Terrorists - Don't let the
name fool you. Very interesting and popular sets of quotations. nicely organized.
- Idiom Ideas,
Pine Crest School Idiom Collection - An idiom is an accepted phrase having a meaning
other than the literal. "Skating on thin ice" and "a blind alley" are
two common examples. Idioms are a fun, playful part of language. Add some to the
collection, learn the Idiom of the Day.
- Instant Wisdom -
Collection of proverbs, notable quotes and interesting thoughts
- The Land of Quotes - Quotations on
every topic, by every author, and in every fashion possible.
- Lincoln as Writer - From the
National Park Service, a small but nicely done page of selected quotes and complete
speeches from our 16th president of the United States.
- The Meditation Tip of the Day - Daily wisdom from
different sources
- Noring
Collection of Quotations - Huge single page from the alt.quotations newsgroup.
- The Official
Internet Quayle Quote List
- Page Of Quotes
- Project Bartleby - About 30
searchable online books.
- Proverbs, adages, sayings, short
quotations and quotes - Single page of unsorted short common proverbs, adages and
quotes including their origins.
- Quotable Quotes - Some of our
favorite and inspiring sayings and pearls of wisdom that we've come across in our own
processes of recovery and growth.
- Quotable Women - Memorable
quotes by women.
- Quotation collections -
Science and Moriarty (Internet) quote collections. Links.
- The Quotation Database - A searchable quote
and tagline database.
- Quotation Ring
- This site contains descriptions of and links to over 200 individual quotation pages. One
can peruse the entire list or access a random quotation site.
- Quotation Ring Homepage - The
Gate to a WebRing of Quotes Collections. Links together 320+ web sites with collections of
50+ quotations. Largest index of quotes sites on the web.
- Quotations by
Writers - Those who live by their words.
- The Quotations Page - A large site
devoted to quotations from famous people and literature. Over 10,000 quotations are
available for searching and browsing. Includes the popular Quotes of the Day, Quotes of
the Week, Quote Search, and Random Quotations pages.
- Quotations That Make a
Statement - Thought-provoking, inspirational, and humorous quotations. Search/browse
by subject or ask questions to find quotable answers. Large collection, easily navigated.
- Quote World - Tens of Thousands of
Searchable Quotations
- QuoteFile -
Progressive and out-of-the-ordinary quotations - including suppressed truths you don't
tend to hear in the media. This is an extensive collection, broken down into a large
number of topical areas. An excellent locale for quotations on timely subjects.
- Quotes on Listening - Quotes about
the true value of listening.
- Quotes on Religion and
Spirituality - Targeted quotes on religion and spirituality, from a liberal
- Quotez - Over 5000 Quotations
- Over 5000 quotes indexed by subject and by author. Mark Fryer's GeoCities site.
- Royal Words of Wisdom
- The Queen's favorite quotations and a selection of quotations from around the world by
both known and unknown authors.
- Search Reference - Quotations - The Internet
Sleuth is a collection of searchable databases and search engines on the Internet related
to Quotations
- Timely Quotes - Oh, how
things change!
- Wisdom Quotes - Quotations for a variety of
occasions: shed light, help keep perspective, inspire, energize, or just make me think.
Sorted by topic.
- Women's Voices:
Quotations from Women - More than 200 notable women represented in this extensive and
growing list of quotations, organized by author.
- Words of Wisdom - A variety of
quotes ranging from completely serious to total nonsense!! Although arranged in no
particular order, categories include friendship, love, wisdom and humor.
- Usenet alt.quotations - news: