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You are here:  Home > Reference > Libraries
See also:
  • Library of Congress   - The Library of Congress Home Page on the World Wide Web. Information resources and tools presented include The Library Today internet magazine (news, events, cybercasts, and more), Using the Library (catalogs, collections, research services), THOMAS (U.S. legislative information), American Memory (historical collections from the national digital library), Exhibitions on-line at the library, forms and information from the Copyright Office, the Library's Bicentennial (1800-2000) and Help and Frequently Asked Questions (general information about the Library).
  • ACLU: Banned Books Week, September 20-27, 1998
  • BIBNET, the website of Flemish public libraries. - In order to make the Internet accessible to everyone, the Flemish Government took the initiative to provide all public libraries in Flanders with an Internet connection. Libraries have an important mission in guiding patrons during their quest for information. This website was developed to achieve this goal. In Flemish.
  • The Bodleian Library - "The Bodleian is the largest of the libraries operated by Oxford University . . . ." The library's official website.
  • BOLD - Belgian Online Libraries Directory - BOLD is the online directory of Belgian libraries. The general public can search the directory to obtain detailed information on libraries. One can search by the name of the library or institution, the name of persons working in the libraries or the name of the city in which the library is situated. One can also search for specific subject areas.
  • The Brechner Center - The 1998 Brechner Center Freedom of Information Award Competition Announcement
  • The British Library - "The British Library is the national library of the United Kingdom and one of the World’s greatest libraries." The library's official website--with information on collections, projects, resources online, etc.
  • Bronx County Historical Society - Website includes information on the Society's research library and archives.
  • BUBL Information Service Home Page - A national information service for the higher education community
  • BUBL News: BUBL Updates Index
  • Cape Library Co-operative (CALICO) - CALICO is a project of the Adamastor Trust, established by the five tertiary institutions in the Western Cape, South Africa. CALICO is thus a library consortium.
  • The Colonist's Library - A massive collection of primary sources pertaining to Early American History
  • Digital Libraries Initiative - "The Initiative's focus is to dramatically advance the means to collect, store, and organize information in digital forms, and make it available for searching, retrieval, and processing via communication networks -- all in user-friendly ways."
  • The Folger Shakespeare Library - Website for the famous Library named in Shakespeare's honor; "Opened in 1932, the Folger was a gift to the American people from Henry Clay Folger and his wife Emily Jordan Folger." Includes news on library projects and extensive background information.
  • Gruppo Pegaso - Gruppo Pegaso's library on line! Here you can find a lot of information about news and prices of medical-scientific books.
  • Information Library Website
  • Internet y Bibliotecas - Applications and uses of the Internet in libraries. Tutorial, discussion group. In Spanish, of course.
  • LIBMB Database - Librarians in Films :a Filmography
  • Librarians Serving Genealogists - Information for librarians who provide services to genealogists
  • Libraries and Museums - Worldwide Libraries and Museums Internet connections for the genealogy and family history researcher.
  • Libraries for Everyone - Links to online library resources in B.C., as well links to the Canadian Library network that will allow access most public and academic libraries in Canada. By the BC Homescool Association.
  • Libraries of our World - Alphabetic list of official homepages, sites of libraries on the world wide web, library, institute, universities, colleges, schools, medical, electronics, books, magazines, novels, history, newspapers, news, informations, national, international, science, state, art, links to the english version of these sites, Worldwide, List, Reference.
  • MSRRT Newsletter: Library Alternatives - Bimonthly reviews and commentary for library workers, D-i-Y publishers, media activists, and free thinkers.
  • Southglenn Public Library
  • Southwest Collection/Special Collections Library - The Southwest Collection/Special Collections Library of Texas Tech University houses the Southwest Collection, a collection focusing on the history of the Southwestern United States, The Vietnam Archive, Texas Tech University Archive, The Rare Books Collection, and the Archive of the Turkish Oral History Narrative. The Texas Tech University Libraries are a part of the American Research Libraries.

  • Usenet soc.libraries.talk - news:
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