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  • Bellinger's Mental Model Musings - If there is one thread of continuity which runs through the content of this web site it has much to do with the concept of systems. And, as of late system studies have lead me to the area of knowledge management.
  • CALT Encyclopedia: Knowledge Management & Workflow - A collection of resources related to Knowledge Management and Workflow.
  • Community KM Glossary - This is the beginning of a collection of terms commonly used in the knowledge management field. I invite you to contribute your own definition, or a better one than the one posted.
  • Delphi on Knowledge Management - The Delphi Group on Knowledge Management, Knowledge Leadership, Corporate Instinct, Smart Companies, Smart Tools, Knowledge Workers, Corporate Intelligence.
  • Grokk>>Search: Interdisciplinary information research tools - Comprehensive and confidential searches and white paper briefings for professional and personal clients. Eclectic information gathered from strategic business knowledge, humanities and culture, and social, life and physical sciences. Travel destinations/Customized itineraries.
  • Intranet/Knowledge Management Resource Center - The following sources are partial results of my research work during the writing of my diploma. I've been trying to integrate theoretical aspects of the new so called KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT-Philosophy with the supportive opportunities of intra-firm utilization of INTERNET TECHNOLOGY as INTRANETS. Extensive bibliography.
  • Knowledge Ecology - An interdisciplinary field of management theory and practice, focused on the relational and social/behavioral aspects of knowledge creation and utilization. Its primary study and domain of action is the design and support of self-organizing knowledge ecosystems, providing the infrastructure in which information, ideas, and inspiration can travel freely to cross-fertilize and feed on each other.
  • Knowledge Management - What is this activity called knowledge management, and why is it so important to each and every one of us? The following writings, articles, and links will attempt to offer some emerging perspectives in response to these questions. As you read on you can determine whether it all makes any sense or not.
  • Knowledge Management - Knowledge Management website with wide range of knowledge management resources: knowledge management library, knowledge management reviews, knowledge management report series, knowledge management news, knowledge management links
  • Knowledge Management and Knowledge Management Systems - A tutorial by Maryam Alavi, a Presentation in ICIS '97.
  • The Knowledge Management Forum - A community of practice discussing the theories, methods, and practices. This is a shared resource. If you have an interest in Knowledge Management, please join us as an active participant, let us know about your background, your interests and views on Knowledge Management and feel free to contribute material or links to be shared with others.
  • Knowledge Management Resource Center - A comprehensive resource site for knowledge management, organized into 14 departments -- intro to KM, news, KM sites, periodicals, conferences, knowledgelinks, community, and more. Each resource is reviewed and briefly described.
  • Knowledge Nurture - Our goal is to host a place for people to dialogue, to provide people with the means to share information and to establish a resource to help people learn about knowledge management. Our audience is not only our associates within Buckman Laboratories, but the world-wide knowledge management community: practioners, newcomers, academics, students, and thinkers.
  • Resources on knowledge management - Bibliography of print sources for Knowledge Management study.
  • Successfully Implementing Knowledge Management - APQC Benchmarking Opportunity - A proposed study. This study will focus on the how-tos of knowledge management. How should an organization structure and resource its KM initiatives? How can your organization build a business case for KM? What kind of resources and training are required for a successful KM approach?

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