- Cynic's Dictionary
Irreverant and amusing definitions from the recently published Cynic's Dictionary. Samples
may be reloaded for variety.
- Acronictionary -
Acronictionary is a fast database search for acronyms and abbreviations.
- ALLwords.com
- The Alternative Dictionaries -
slang, etc.
- Christian Common Law Institute: A Dictionary
of Law (1893) - Compiled and written by attorney William C. Anderson and published in
Chicago by T. H. Flood and Company, Law Publishers, in 1893.
- DICT Development Group - A WWW interface to several
freely available on-line dictionaries, including Webster's 1913, the Jargon File, the US
Gazetteer, and Easton's Bible Dictionary.
- Dictionaries & eText Resources
(fossick.com) - Dictionaries & eText Resources (fossick.com): online libraries,
FAQ archives, encyclopedia and dictionary, eText, ask experts, CIA, quotations, etc.
- Dictionaries at Internet Press - Huge
News Portal with a Dictionary "tool" page.
- Dictionaries, Lexica,
and Lexical Resources - Linguistics Resources: E-Texts
- Dictionaries on the Web - Link collection
-- over 100 links to various dictionaries of about 40 languages.
- Dictionary of English
Phonesthemes Part 1 - Relation of word sounds to meanings.
- dictionary.com - English language dictionary
collection, computer jargon and grammar usage and style.
- The English-to-American
Dictionary - Ever wondered how to snog? What sort of blokes pull birds? A humo(u)rous
resource for Americans learning Scottish English.
- Freeality Free Online Dictionaries
- Search a wide variety of Free Online Dictionaries.
- Galaxy.Tradewave
- The dictionaries list from their site.
- Hypertext Webster Gateway -
WWW interface to multiple English dictionaries.
- Laster Localization's links to
Dictionaries, Glossaries and Search Engines - Links to Translation resources. Links to
glossaries, dictionaries, and search engines. ECHO-EURODICAUTOM and LANTRA-L resources.
- MacquarieNet - Australia`s leading online
encyclopedia, brought to you by the publishers of the Macquarie Dictionary
- Management
and Technology Dictionary - The largest Internet dictionary on the technological
aspects of management.
- Nolo's Legal Dictionary -
Confused by legalese? Not sure what a toxic tort or a q-tip trust is? Get plain-English
definitions of legal terms from Nolos online law dictionary.
- OneLook Dictionaries (Dictionary), The
Faster Finder - Searchable compendium of 449+ on-line dictionaries of words, terms,
names, acronyms. Extensive Internet links to on-line dictionaries or glossaries.
- An Online Dictionary
List, Online Dictionaries - English-Online.Net Category: Dictionaries and Translation.
Are you looking for an online dictionary ? This site offers you a list of links to
dictionaries on the Internet.
- Research-It! - Your
one-stop reference desk - Some notable tools found here are the shipping and mailing
tool, currency exchange tool, and the language translating tool.
- Search-It-All: The Ultimate
Reference Tool. - A premium collection of the best searches on the Web
- Vocabulary - Online dictionary & thesaurus
web linking lookup reference tool.
- A Web of On-line
Dictionaries - More than 800 dictionaries in 150 languages.
- Word Central - Student dictionary and rhyming
dictionary online at Merriam-Webster's website. Daily Buzzword by subscription.
- The Wordsmyth S.A.T. Dictionary
- based on a frequency analysis, includes the 2000 words appearing most frequently on
S.A.T. tests.
- WWWebster Dictionary - Merriam-Webster's