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  • Where the Liberals Roam - A House race in Boston pits a colorful pol and a talk-radio star against a rich unknown with ideas [TIME.com] (August 24, 1998)
  • Baby Knows Best - Parenthood is made of more than genetic material [TIME.com] (August 17, 1998)
  • Billy Martin - Monica's Minister Of Defense [TIME.com] (August 17, 1998)
  • The Motown Motormouth - Can pugnacious Geoffrey Fieger, lawyer to Dr. Death, tone it down enough to unseat Michigan's Governor? [TIME.com] (August 17, 1998)
  • Over To You, Bill - The White House puts on a brave front as Lewinsky finally appears on Starr's center stage and another Tripp prop is revealed [TIME.com] (August 17, 1998)
  • Where Do They Belong? - How Callie and Rebecca were switched remains a mystery. Will there be a fight over both their future and their past? [TIME.com] (August 17, 1998)
  • But Clarence Thomas has a master - The right wing [TIME.com] (August 10, 1998)
  • The Lucky Thirteen - A record Powerball jackpot sparks interstate lottery obsession and produces a group of odds-be-damned winners [TIME.com] (August 10, 1998)
  • Breaking The Silence - Now that Clinton has been subpoenaed, will his lawyer David Kendall let him tell the story, and if so, what will that story be? [TIME.com] (August 3, 1998)
  • Shining A Light On Abuse - Following a Time Story, Congress Reports that Many Nursing-home Residents are Beaten and Starved. Who's to Blame? [TIME.com] (August 3, 1998)
  • All In The Detail - Now that Ken Starr has the go-ahead to question the President's Secret Service agents, can they tell him what he wants to know? [TIME.com] (July 27, 1998)
  • The Bodyguards - Shadows And Shields [TIME.com] (July 27, 1998)
  • The Forest Is His Ally - A fugitive reappears, only to slink back into the woods- [TIME.com] (July 27, 1998)
  • "It's Still White Supremacy" - Julian Bond restores the focus of the N.A.A.C.P. [TIME.com] (July 27, 1998)
  • Tradition With A Twist - It looked like a First Lady-like journey to promote historic preservation, but Hillary gave it an edge [TIME.com] (July 27, 1998)
  • The Bite On Teachers - Politicians are fighting for voters' hearts by going after the bad apples in classrooms [TIME.com] (July 20, 1998)
  • Dressed For Success - Companies are teaching their welfare-to-work hires how to look and act the part. The results are lasting [TIME.com] (July 13, 1998)
  • Florida Inferno - The skies are heavy with smoke, not rain, as summer fires sweep through the Sunshine State [TIME.com] (July 13, 1998)
  • The Lesson From Webb - Hubbell stood up to Starr and won. Will Monica do the same? [TIME.com] (July 13, 1998)
  • The Opposite Of Sex - Births Among Unmarried Black Girls are Plunging. Why? Self-respect, Fear of Aids and Love of Life [TIME.com] (July 13, 1998)
  • Tripp's Turn to Talk - The woman whose tapes launched the scandal is called to testify. Is it a ploy to pressure Monica? [TIME.com] (July 6, 1998)
  • Up In Smoke - The tobacco bill almost made it until the Republicans decided to blow it off [TIME.com] (June 29, 1998)
  • Beneath The Surface - A "New South" town is haunted by "Deep South" ghosts--and a fresh, ugly murder [TIME.com] (June 22, 1998)
  • Incite to Abort - Is that the effect of the "family cap" on welfare? [TIME.com] (June 22, 1998)
  • Starr's Fellow Traveler - Where Clinton basher Larry Klayman goes, the independent counsel sometimes follows [TIME.com] (June 22, 1998)
  • Victory for Vouchers - A court's ruling that they can be used for religious schools is a major move toward free choice [TIME.com] (June 22, 1998)
  • Fight To The Finish - Clinton and Starr are plotting their endgames, each trying to move the battle onto his favorite turf [TIME.com] (June 8, 1998)
  • Kinder, Gentler--And In The Lead - After a family crisis and religious conversion, Jeb Bush is back in the running for Governor of Florida [TIME.com] (June 8, 1998)
  • The Man Behind Prop. 227 - Meet Ron Unz, the tycoon who waged a campaign to all but outlaw bilingual education in California [TIME.com] (June 8, 1998)
  • Smaller Pond - Jerry Brown is back with a downsized ambition [TIME.com] (June 8, 1998)
  • The Boy Who Loved Bombs - As the U.S. witnesses the latest school shooting, can anything be learned--or done? [TIME.com] (June 1, 1998)
  • The Marrying Kind - West Point forbids cadets to wed, but two are getting away with matrimony [TIME.com] (June 1, 1998)
  • Red Face Over China - Did a Chinese plot persuade Clinton to let a U.S. company give China its rocket science? No. Politics (and policy) did [TIME.com] (June 1, 1998)
  • They Call It Video Crack - Gambling machines in South Carolina break hearts and bank accounts. The Governor wants them out [TIME.com] (June 1, 1998)
  • Gore's Costly High-Wire Act - His plan to plug classes into the Internet was a hit until critics started calling it the Gore Tax [TIME.com] (May 25, 1998)
  • Should Schools Be Wired To The Internet? - No--Learn First, Surf Later [TIME.com] (May 25, 1998)
  • Should Schools Be Wired To The Internet? - Yes--It's Essential to the Way Kids Learn [TIME.com] (May 25, 1998)
  • Young, G.O.P. and Black - The well-backed candidacy of Dylan Glenn challenges ideas about race and politics [TIME.com] (May 25, 1998)
  • Can't Buy their love - Voters were supposed to fall for the rich folks in California's big race. So why is Gray Davis ahead? [TIME.com] (May 18, 1998)
  • How the California G.O.P. Got a Spanish Lesson - Prop. 227 [TIME.com] (May 18, 1998)
  • Keeping It Secret - In private sessions with Starr, the Secret Service is balking at his questions. Is a showdown inevitable? [TIME.com] (May 18, 1998)
  • Will Voters Unplug Labor's Money Machine? - Prop. 226 [TIME.com] (May 18, 1998)
  • End of an 18-Year Illusion - Stephen Fagan led a charmed life in Palm Beach; now he's accused of kidnapping his own children [TIME.com] (May 4, 1998)
  • James Earl Ray, Cause Celebre? - Some stand to profit by blaming King's murder on a government conspiracy [TIME.com] (May 4, 1998)
  • Sex, The Army And A Double Standard - A general allegedly coerced an officer's wife into an affair. Why did he get off so easy? [TIME.com] (May 4, 1998)
  • Strictly Hush-Hush - Ken Starr wants Secret Service agents to testify about Clinton. Should they be allowed to say no? [TIME.com] (May 4, 1998)
  • Was the Fix Really In? - Clinton pals helped a fallen Hubbell pay bills. But was it hush money? [TIME.com] (May 4, 1998)
  • The Currie Riddle - Is she too loyal to say anything damaging, or too honest to say anything but the truth? [TIME.com] (April 27, 1998)
  • Greens Flip over Turtles - In defending wildlife, enviros have made free trade the enemy. But will they ever be the same? [TIME.com] (April 27, 1998)
  • Spiriting Prayer Into School - Politicians may bicker about bringing back prayer, but in fact it's already a major presence--thanks to the many after-school prayer clubs [TIME.com] (April 27, 1998)
  • Back to Square One - In California and Texas, two attempts to maintain campus diversity falter on race [TIME.com] (April 20, 1998)
  • How to Even the Score - Test Prep [TIME.com] (April 20, 1998)
  • Lies, Damn Lies And Racial Statistics - Figures from all the University of California campuses paint another picture [TIME.com] (April 20, 1998)
  • Newt's Secret Plan - To Stay Right Where He Is [TIME.com] (April 20, 1998)
  • Day Of Deliverance - Clinton enjoys a victory lap when the judge tosses out the Paula Jones case. But Ken Starr isn't going away just yet; he has never cared much about Paula, or politics... [TIME.com] (April 13, 1998)
  • Hale Storm Rising - Did the king of the Clinton haters funnel cash to Kenneth Starr's chief Whitewater witness? [TIME.com] (April 13, 1998)
  • Mother Of The Accused - Gretchen Woodard Tells Time of her Son Mitchell's Troubles and his Version of the Jonesboro Massacre [TIME.com] (April 13, 1998)
  • The Strange Case Of The Spy In The Winnebago - Did an underperforming spook get revenge for his firing by giving away secrets he remembered? [TIME.com] (April 13, 1998)
  • Getting Back To Monica - After a monthlong sideshow, Kenneth Starr's investigation returns to the main event [TIME.com] (April 6, 1998)
  • Courting Controversy - A new book by an insider claims law clerks have inordinate influence over the Supreme Court [TIME.com] (March 30, 1998)
  • The KGB Of Mississippi - A shadowy state agency that spied on civil rights workers opens its files [TIME.com] (March 30, 1998)
  • The Lives Of Kathleen Willey - On TV the widow had seemed unassailable. But it now appears she is tangled in untruths [TIME.com] (March 30, 1998)
  • Outrageous Fortune - The slings and arrows of sex and politics have not dented Clinton's high ratings. Is it a new kind of Teflon, or do foes just lack the right weapon? [TIME.com] (March 30, 1998)
  • The Trouble With The Present Tense - The President is selling well now, but there is a more permanent dimension [TIME.com] (March 30, 1998)
  • Hizzoner The Hall Monitor - Mayor Giuliani is determined to make New Yorkers more "civil." Then he might come after the rest of us [TIME.com] (March 16, 1998)
  • Now It's Her Turn - This week Paula Jones' lawyers will offer a peek into their trial strategy. Does she have a chance? [TIME.com] (March 16, 1998)
  • Purloined Papers? - Someone snatched highly classified documents. Was it a bold piece of espionage or just a snafu? [TIME.com] (March 16, 1998)
  • Will The Secretary Stick To The Script? - Clinton's deposition provides guidance for anyone interested in supporting his story, but Betty Currie steers by the truth, not the stars [TIME.com] (March 16, 1998)
  • Everyone's Talking Trash - Ken Starr now hopes to bring Monica back center stage, since last week's slugfest helped distract him in ways the White House could have only dreamed [TIME.com] (March 9, 1998)
  • Catching A 48-Hour Bug - An anthrax scare in Nevada turns the spotlight once again on bacteria maven Larry Wayne Harris [TIME.com] (March 2, 1998)
  • Mountain Manhunt - The FBI names a suspect in the bombing of an Alabama abortion clinic. But can he be found? [TIME.com] (February 23, 1998)
  • The Big Face-Off - The meeting between Clinton and his accuser is history. Now, is everyone ready to rumble? [TIME.com] (January 26, 1998)
  • Clinton's Last Campaign - He can't run again, so the President is devoted these days to winning over the historians. Is it too late? [TIME.com] (January 26, 1998)
  • The Quicksilver Mess - Intrigued by a stash of mercury, two Arkansas teens poison themselves and contaminate their town [TIME.com] (January 26, 1998)
  • Smoke Gets in Your Aye - Can Congress say yes to a deal when new evidence shows how Big Tobacco targeted teens? [TIME.com] (January 26, 1998)
  • Sorry, Ma - A lotto win pits mother against son in a lawsuit [TIME.com] (January 26, 1998)
  • The Big (Not So Bad) Wolves Of Yellowstone - Back from near extinction, the gray wolf is threatened again--this time by a federal court [TIME.com] (January 19, 1998)
  • Gary Bauer, the new voice of the Christian right, strikes fear in the party - He won't play nice [TIME.com] (January 19, 1998)
  • Hurricane Hizzoner - Xavier Suarez is Miami's first "strong mayor." But is he stable enough to use his new powers wisely? [TIME.com] (January 19, 1998)
  • In Fits And Starts - Kaczynski throws the Unabom trial into disarray. Is he a master manipulator or just desperately confused? [TIME.com] (January 19, 1998)
  • Let the Games Begin! - Places, everybody. Even before the Paula Jones suit goes to trial, the positioning is well under way [TIME.com] (January 19, 1998)
  • Oklahoma and New York - A Tale of Two Cities and Two Bombers [TIME.com] (January 19, 1998)
  • At His Own Request - Is Kaczynski's rejection of his best chance for a defense a result of paranoid schizophrenia? [TIME.com] (January 12, 1998)
  • Bobby And Ethel's Brood - The Weight Of Legacy [TIME.com] (January 12, 1998)
  • The Deadly Trainer - Air Force cadets are dying in a new aircraft with a dubious mission and many mechanical problems [TIME.com] (January 12, 1998)
  • Tragedy Strikes Again - As it has done too often, the Kennedy clan gathers to mourn an untimely death, the painful result of a senseless accident in Aspen [TIME.com] (January 12, 1998)

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