- Alan J.
Pakula: Seeking Truth on the Big Screen - [Newsweek] (November 30, 1998)
- The
Amazing Smoke Screen - The anti-tobacco crusade is a reverse Robin Hood arrangement.
It robs the poor to pay the rich. [Newsweek] (November 30, 1998)
- AOL's
Netscape Romance - Will two Web giants tie the knot? [Newsweek] (November 30,
- The
Apples of Their Eyes - On TV, Mac spells c-o-o-l [Newsweek] (November 30, 1998)
- Battling
the Bugs in Air Traffic - A computer switch worries controllers [Newsweek] (November
30, 1998)
- Beyond
the 'Big Box' - This year shoppers go for offbeat and low-key [Newsweek] (November
30, 1998)
- Bill in
the Bulls Eye - Competitors are ganging up on it. The government may try to
split it into little pieces. But get real: there's still no reason to begin a Microsoft
death watch. [Newsweek] (November 30, 1998)
- Buying
a Pig in a Poke - More trouble for Edgar Bronfman's showbiz foray [Newsweek] (November
30, 1998)
- Cancer
and Diet - Can you eat to beat malignancy? A controversial diet book is just one sign
of the revolutionary new thinking about food and health. [Newsweek] (November 30,
- Chilly
Welcome in North Korea - [Newsweek] (November 30, 1998)
- Cigarettes
Pack a Price Increase - [Newsweek] (November 30, 1998)
- Dash:
Why I Left Starr - The Watergate icon lays out the reasons he quit--and rebuts charges
of conspiracy [Newsweek] (November 30, 1998)
- Deadly
Days for Wolves - An animal murder mystery unfolds in the West [Newsweek] (November
30, 1998)
- Don't Get
Hit by Taxes - Changing rules and wild markets call for some new maneuvers [Newsweek] (November
30, 1998)
- Don't Get
Hit by Taxes - Changing rules and wild markets call for some new maneuvers [Newsweek] (November
30, 1998)
- Don't Get
Hit by Taxes - Changing rules and wild markets call for some new maneuvers [Newsweek] (November
30, 1998)
- 'Dr.
Death' Raises the Stakes--On TV - [Newsweek] (November 30, 1998)
- The Drug
Boat? - [Newsweek] (November 30, 1998)
- Everything
You Never Wanted to Know About Sex - [Newsweek] (November 30, 1998)
- Film
Lacks Legs - [Newsweek] (November 30, 1998)
- Flying
Into 2000 - [Newsweek] (November 30, 1998)
- Fox
Fights Parkinson's - [Newsweek] (November 30, 1998)
- Furby
Frenzy - [Newsweek] (November 30, 1998)
- The
Germs of Gonzo - [Newsweek] (November 30, 1998)
- Get
Ready to Gobble! - [Newsweek] (November 30, 1998)
- Heading
for the Hills - Fear of the Y2K bug is pushing some to extremes [Newsweek] (November
30, 1998)
- Holiday
Help - [Newsweek] (November 30, 1998)
- How
Saddam Won This Round - By usurping the Pentagon's own theories of modern warfare,
Iraq outsmarted the U.S. But this crisis isn't over. [Newsweek] (November 30, 1998)
- http://www.newsweek.com/nw-srv/issue/22_98b/tnw/today/nm/nm02we_1.htm
- [Newsweek] (November 30, 1998)
- In
Historys Bedchamber - Though they'll hate it, Clinton and Starr are forever
connected as the bookends of an era [Newsweek] (November 30, 1998)
- The
Inner Life ofDinosaurs - Scientists find a trove of eggs frozen in time [Newsweek] (November
30, 1998)
- Japanese
Skies: Smoke-Free - [Newsweek] (November 30, 1998)
- Just Add
Walking - [Newsweek] (November 30, 1998)
- Just
Don't Shoot the Client - How do you train Nintendo-generation workers? [Newsweek] (November
30, 1998)
- Let's
Go to the Videotape - Bill Gates to an AP reporter on his video deposition: [Newsweek]
(November 30, 1998)
- Listening
In on Girl Talk - Why men and women heard two different tales on the Tripp tapes.
[Newsweek] (November 30, 1998)
- Maiden
of Mystery - [Newsweek] (November 30, 1998)
- Managing
Hollywood - Michael Ovitz eyes a return to the agency--er, management--business
[Newsweek] (November 30, 1998)
- The
Newest Testament - [Newsweek] (November 30, 1998)
- Odyssey
of a Passionate Radical - An old friend and respectful rival of Stokely Carmichael's
chronicles the late activist's journey from nonviolence to raw militancy [Newsweek] (November
30, 1998)
- On a
diet? Eat a beet - [Newsweek] (November 30, 1998)
- The
Outpost of Good Taste? - [Newsweek] (November 30, 1998)
- Part
Egg, Part Flour, All Delia - [Newsweek] (November 30, 1998)
- Peeping
Videos - [Newsweek] (November 30, 1998)
- Politics,
Internet-Style - [Newsweek] (November 30, 1998)
- Rasta
Area - [Newsweek] (November 30, 1998)
- Return
to Phi Slama Jama - Can Clyde Drexler coach his alma mater back to glory? [Newsweek] (November
30, 1998)
- Right
Stuff: Getting Kids to Eat Better - You say tofu, they say later. How to feed their
needs. [Newsweek] (November 30, 1998)
- Rush's
Hour in Chicago? - [Newsweek] (November 30, 1998)
- Scary
Hair - Mom would never let you out looking like this [Newsweek] (November 30,
- Shielding
Brooke - [Newsweek] (November 30, 1998)
- Sirens
of the Century - [Newsweek] (November 30, 1998)
- The
Starr Chamber - The prosecutor makes his case, but impeachment is now an endgame with
no game plan. Where to go from here? [Newsweek] (November 30, 1998)
- Striking
a Balance - [Newsweek] (November 30, 1998)
- A Strip
too Far? - [Newsweek] (November 30, 1998)
- Time
Warp - [Newsweek] (November 30, 1998)
- Tough
times for Cornwall couples - [Newsweek] (November 30, 1998)
- The
Trials of Mary Bono - Sonny's widow tries to make her mark in the wilds of Washington.
[Newsweek] (November 30, 1998)
- Tripp
Gets Trim - [Newsweek] (November 30, 1998)
- Trump TV
- [Newsweek] (November 30, 1998)
- The
Ultimate Thrill Ride - Say goodbye to boring old missions: astronauts are about to
start assembling the International Space Station, the riskiest job they have ever
undertaken. [Newsweek] (November 30, 1998)
- Up From
the Ashes - Poverty and crime still plague Soweto, South Africa's most infamous
township. But with surprising speed, hope is taking hold. [Newsweek] (November 30,
- Vinyl
Ducky, Out of Lucky - [Newsweek] (November 30, 1998)
- Where's
the Panic? - The global crisis may not be over. But it sure feels like it. [Newsweek] (November
30, 1998)
- Young,
with Money to Run - How a student should manage the only inheritance likely to come
along [Newsweek] (November 30, 1998)
- Young,
with Money to Run - How a student should manage the only inheritance likely to come
along [Newsweek] (November 30, 1998)
- Young,
with Money to Run - How a student should manage the only inheritance likely to come
along [Newsweek] (November 30, 1998)
- After
Starr: Will it still be safe to talk to lawyers? - [Newsweek] (November 23,
- After
the Gold Rush - [Newsweek] (November 23, 1998)
- An
Assassination Diary - The last surviving passenger of JFK's death car rediscovers a
long-lost record of the murder. [Newsweek] (November 23, 1998)
- At War
Within the Ranks - Competing GOP tribes fight over who's in charge [Newsweek] (November
23, 1998)
- Birthday
Boy - [Newsweek] (November 23, 1998)
- Black
and Blue in Des Moines - [Newsweek] (November 23, 1998)
- Blue
Period - [Newsweek] (November 23, 1998)
- Books
Caught in the Web - Barnes and Noble takes on rival Amazon.com [Newsweek] (November
23, 1998)
- Brooks's
Super Tuesday - [Newsweek] (November 23, 1998)
THE CENTURY? - So far the Microsoft antitrust trial has delivered a lot of fun e-mail
but little law [Newsweek] (November 23, 1998)
- Chuckie,
Phil, Lil--You're Wanted on the Set! - The TV smash 'Rugrats' leaps to the big screen.
The twins think it's 'more fun than picking noses.' [Newsweek] (November 23, 1998)
- Comdex
Kickoff - [Newsweek] (November 23, 1998)
- Compaq's
Roadless Speedster - [Newsweek] (November 23, 1998)
- Consumer
Wonderland - [Newsweek] (November 23, 1998)
- Cosmetic
Change - [Newsweek] (November 23, 1998)
- Cyberspies
- Tony Scott's new thriller is scary fun [Newsweek] (November 23, 1998)
- Deja Vu
All Over Again - Yes, we've been down this road before. But a prolonged standoff
between Bill Clinton and Saddam Hussein looks better than any of the other alternatives.
[Newsweek] (November 23, 1998)
- Digging
Up the Past - Did John Wayne Gacy kill more than we knew? [Newsweek] (November
23, 1998)
- A
Dissertation Boutique on the Web - [Newsweek] (November 23, 1998)
- Dog Day
- [Newsweek] (November 23, 1998)
- Drink to
Your Health - [Newsweek] (November 23, 1998)
- ER on
the Web - [Newsweek] (November 23, 1998)
- Fast Lane
on the Infobahn - Two routes: the phone companies or the cable guy. [Newsweek] (November
23, 1998)
- Fast Lane
on the Infobahn - Two routes: the phone companies or the cable guy. [Newsweek] (November
23, 1998)
- Fast Lane
on the Infobahn - Two routes: the phone companies or the cable guy. [Newsweek] (November
23, 1998)
- Finding
a Third Way - Cleaner cars and a stronger economy: America can have both. [Newsweek] (November
23, 1998)
- From
Monopoly to Paper Dolls - [Newsweek] (November 23, 1998)
- Going
Postal--on the Web - [Newsweek] (November 23, 1998)
THE BEAT GOES ON - Financial questions crowd Wade Cook, king of the fast-money,
get-rich game [Newsweek] (November 23, 1998)
- Having a
Safe Cellular - [Newsweek] (November 23, 1998)
- High
Hopes in Jabalpur, India - [Newsweek] (November 23, 1998)
- Hogan
Enters Political Ring - [Newsweek] (November 23, 1998)
- Home
Sweet Connectedness - [Newsweek] (November 23, 1998)
- 'I
Heard a Loud, Terrifying Noise' - Exclusive: Nellie Connally's diary of Dallas, Nov.
22, 1963 [Newsweek] (November 23, 1998)
- An Icon
From Our Sponsor - Free computers with a catch--that little ad in the corner of the
screen [Newsweek] (November 23, 1998)
- Independent
Counsels - Could Ralph Lancaster, the prosecutor appointed last May to investigate
Labor Secretary Alexis Herman, be the last I.C.? The other six currently looking into
misdeeds in high places: [Newsweek] (November 23, 1998)
- Jesse's
Rumble With Ross - [Newsweek] (November 23, 1998)
- Kate's
Cure - [Newsweek] (November 23, 1998)
- The New
Ford - Taking the Wheel: For the first time in two decades, Ford will be run by a
family member. But Bill Ford's a different breed. And what he has in mind for the
automobile could shock Detroit. [Newsweek] (November 23, 1998)
- The New
Hot 100 - [Newsweek] (November 23, 1998)
- A New
Legend for the Fall - Nintendo's latest Zelda adventure shines [Newsweek] (November
23, 1998)
- A New
O.J. Trial--For Sydney and Justin - [Newsweek] (November 23, 1998)
- New York
Hunks - [Newsweek] (November 23, 1998)
- No
Chemistry at Brown - [Newsweek] (November 23, 1998)
- Not So
Silent - [Newsweek] (November 23, 1998)
- Now
It's the Gay Nineties? - As a sex scandal fizzles in the British government, life gets
better for homosexuals all over the Continent [Newsweek] (November 23, 1998)
- On MTV,
A Star Is Slain - Combatants on the wrestling sendup 'Celebrity Deathmatch' take a
licking, but don't keep on ticking [Newsweek] (November 23, 1998)
- One on
One - [Newsweek] (November 23, 1998)
- Operation:
Supercar - Shock of the New: Automakers don't know how it will work or how to sell it,
but get ready. The car of the future is coming--sooner than you think. [Newsweek] (November
23, 1998)
- Optical
Profusion - [Newsweek] (November 23, 1998)
- The
Pluck of the Irish - Ned Devine is dead--and still holding the winning lottery ticket.
Now everybody's looking to cash in. [Newsweek] (November 23, 1998)
- Polishing
Jewel - She's everywhere, with a best-selling book, a feature movie role and, at last,
a new album [Newsweek] (November 23, 1998)
- President
Will Smith? - [Newsweek] (November 23, 1998)
- Prince-ly
Royalties - [Newsweek] (November 23, 1998)
- 'Psycho'
Babble - [Newsweek] (November 23, 1998)
- Putting
Gunmakers in the Cross Hairs - [Newsweek] (November 23, 1998)
- [Newsweek] (November 23, 1998)
- Road
Warrior - [Newsweek] (November 23, 1998)
- Rudolph
Gets Redder - [Newsweek] (November 23, 1998)
- Running
for Their Lives - A surprising number of government officials have fled Iraq in the
past year. They're convinced the regime is crumbling. [Newsweek] (November 23,
- Satellite
Substitute - [Newsweek] (November 23, 1998)
- Saving
Brazil, Again - [Newsweek] (November 23, 1998)
- Sega's
Comeback - [Newsweek] (November 23, 1998)
- She's
Still in Vogue - In her 10 years as editrix of the premier fashion magazine, Anna
Wintour has presided over a provocative mix of 'mass and class.' [Newsweek] (November
23, 1998)
- Should
the President Be Forgiven? - [Newsweek] (November 23, 1998)
- Some
Toys May Be Hazardous to Your Child's Health - [Newsweek] (November 23, 1998)
- Space
Slush - [Newsweek] (November 23, 1998)
- Starr
on the Stand - Under siege, the prosecutor--mystified and, as he puts it, 'vexed'
about his low standing--prepares to face tough questions. [Newsweek] (November 23,
- Sterling
Effort - [Newsweek] (November 23, 1998)
- Stone
Cold Crazy - Wrestling, the 'sport' that won't go away, is bigger and raunchier than
ever. Jesse Ventura's headed for a governor's mansion and Steve Austin is the drinking,
cursing, butt-whupping lord of the ring. You want a piece of him? [Newsweek] (November
23, 1998)
- Swinging
Out - [Newsweek] (November 23, 1998)
- Teletubbie
Tuesday - [Newsweek] (November 23, 1998)
- 'They
Are Cruel, Cruel' - Student protests shake the post-Suharto regime [Newsweek] (November
23, 1998)
- A
Thriller on Wall Street - Michael Jackson wants to be a hit with investors [Newsweek] (November
23, 1998)
- Thriller
Redux - Reeve reopens 'Rear Window' [Newsweek] (November 23, 1998)
- Time to
Close Up Shop - Had enough of Starr & Co.? The case for abolishing the
independent-counsel statute. [Newsweek] (November 23, 1998)
- Using
Sound to Surf - [Newsweek] (November 23, 1998)
- Using
Sound to Surf - [Newsweek] (November 23, 1998)
- The
View From Baghdad - By misjudging Bill Clinton and the United Nations, an almost
completely isolated Saddam Hussein badly miscalculated. [Newsweek] (November 23,
- The
View From the Big Three - The CEOs weigh in on the future of cars and car buying
[Newsweek] (November 23, 1998)
- Watch
Out, Welfare - [Newsweek] (November 23, 1998)
- What's
'Alternative'? - Americans are embracing unconventional care as never before--and
researchers are catching up [Newsweek] (November 23, 1998)
- When
E-Mail Bites Back - Bill Gates isn't the only one whose old messages have proved
perilous [Newsweek] (November 23, 1998)
- Whitney
on the Record - The diva reflects and rages on rumors and her music [Newsweek] (November
23, 1998)
- Who is a
Jew? - [Newsweek] (November 23, 1998)
- Why
UNSCOM Matters - The chief inspector explains how Saddam's tactics undermine the
world's 40-year effort to put civilization ahead of technology. [Newsweek] (November
23, 1998)
- The
Write Stuff - [Newsweek] (November 23, 1998)
- 'An
Affront to All Mexicans' - In an exclusive essay, a former president attacks those who
condemn his brother as a murderer and bagman. [Newsweek] (November 16, 1998)
- Animal
Magnetism - [Newsweek] (November 16, 1998)
- Avon's
New Face - The venerable beauty giant is dumping its dowdy image and going for glitz
[Newsweek] (November 16, 1998)
- Bigger
May Be Better - [Newsweek] (November 16, 1998)
- Bill-Bites
- [Newsweek] (November 16, 1998)
- Bright
Newt, Fright Newt - Visionary yet shortsighted, smart but pedantic, Gingrich's fall is
his own fault [Newsweek] (November 16, 1998)
- Bush's
Model Grandchild - [Newsweek] (November 16, 1998)
- The
Chic Workout - Cashmere sweat shirts? Meet the haute 'hoodie.' [Newsweek] (November
16, 1998)
- A
Classic or a Hoax? - Holocaust memoir's truth is hotly debated [Newsweek] (November
16, 1998)
- Creative
Cremation in Korea - [Newsweek] (November 16, 1998)
- Dancing
in the Dark - Meryl Streep gets her Irish up in Brian Friel's drama [Newsweek] (November
16, 1998)
- Day
After Day in Nazi Germany - [Newsweek] (November 16, 1998)
- Death
Be Not Proud - Brad Pitt plays the Reaper and it's pretty grim [Newsweek] (November
16, 1998)
- Depp-ressed?
- [Newsweek] (November 16, 1998)
- A
Different Kind of Man - Clinton is empathetic; Gore is edgy. Will that help or hurt as
the veep goes out on his own? [Newsweek] (November 16, 1998)
- The DNA
Detectives - With a new national database and other high-tech tools on the way,
forensic science is becoming a more powerful crimefighter than ever. [Newsweek] (November
16, 1998)
- Don't
Call Him 'Ricky' - The long road from 'Silver Spoons' to 'NYPD Blue' [Newsweek] (November
16, 1998)
- An End
at Lands' End - The troubled merchant sacks a well-liked boss [Newsweek] (November
16, 1998)
- Face Peel,
Fast Heal, Bright Lights, Big Tumors?, Hearty Food, Bandaging the Blues, Let the Surfer
Beware - [Newsweek] (November 16, 1998)
- Fields
of Death - Hurricane Mitch was one of the worst disasters in Central American history.
Now, the living aren't much better off than the dead [Newsweek] (November 16, 1998)
- Filtering
Out Hate - [Newsweek] (November 16, 1998)
- From
Human Embryos, Hope for 'Spare Parts' - But research renews debate over use of fetal
cells [Newsweek] (November 16, 1998)
- Geri
Talks - [Newsweek] (November 16, 1998)
- Getting
Smart About DNA - DNA's a great tool, but we could do a lot more with it. Here's how.
[Newsweek] (November 16, 1998)
- Getting
Smart in Amsterdam - [Newsweek] (November 16, 1998)
- Going
Batty - [Newsweek] (November 16, 1998)
- Happy
Birthday, Babies - It's been a hectic year for the McCaughey septuplets, but an army
of volunteers keeps chaos at bay [Newsweek] (November 16, 1998)
- Here
Comes the Judge - And he's not altogether pleased with Boss Bill [Newsweek] (November
16, 1998)
- Highs
and Lows: Newt Through the Years - [Newsweek] (November 16, 1998)
- http://www.newsweek.com/nw-srv/issue/20_98b/tnw/today/nm/nm01th_1.htm
- [Newsweek] (November 16, 1998)
- http://www.newsweek.com/nw-srv/issue/20_98b/tnw/today/ps/ps01th_1.htm
- [Newsweek] (November 16, 1998)
- If He
Can Make it Here... - [Newsweek] (November 16, 1998)
- 'I'm
Not Some Dumb Wrestler' - The governor-elect speaks candidly about wrestling, his
appeal and how he wants to body-slam the status quo [Newsweek] (November 16, 1998)
- The Iron
Albatross - [Newsweek] (November 16, 1998)
- The Iron
Albatross - [Newsweek] (November 16, 1998)
- The Iron
Albatross - [Newsweek] (November 16, 1998)
- The Iron
Albatross - [Newsweek] (November 16, 1998)
- Is
Anybody Out There? - [Newsweek] (November 16, 1998)
- It's
Bad for Business - Saddam confounds his would-be trading partners and engineers a new
crisis. Does he know what he's doing? [Newsweek] (November 16, 1998)
- Jesse
Venturas Body Politics - Out of nowhere, 'The Body' Ventura puts
politics-as-usual in a headlock with a victory as Minnesota governor. The voters' message
to Washington? If you act like pro wrestlers, we'll give you pro wrestlers. [Newsweek] (November
16, 1998)
- The
Last True Believer - Preparing to testify, an implausibly optimistic Starr grinds on.
[Newsweek] (November 16, 1998)
- 'Like
Most, I'm Amazed' - George W. Bush talks about the future of the GOP--and how it feels
to find himself the front runner so soon [Newsweek] (November 16, 1998)
- Matthew
Shepard Remembered - [Newsweek] (November 16, 1998)
- Mega-Monica
- [Newsweek] (November 16, 1998)
- Method
to the Madness - Wu-Tang Clan's rap terminator creates a new music genre--hard-core
soul--for 'Judgment Day' [Newsweek] (November 16, 1998)
- Michael
Jackson Saves Face - [Newsweek] (November 16, 1998)
- Mir Crew
Takes Cover - [Newsweek] (November 16, 1998)
- Monica's
Meals - [Newsweek] (November 16, 1998)
- Moris-setting
the Record - [Newsweek] (November 16, 1998)
- Newt
Hits the Showers - Stung by defeat, abandoned by his team, Gingrich abruptly quits.
The story of his long rise--and quick fall. [Newsweek] (November 16, 1998)
- The
Night of the Long Knife - [Newsweek] (November 16, 1998)
- Not a
Victory in Sight - It's a global trend. Conservative political parties keep winning
policy debates and then losing popular elections. [Newsweek] (November 16, 1998)
- O.J.'s
Kids, Round Two - [Newsweek] (November 16, 1998)
- Pigskin
and Pork - [Newsweek] (November 16, 1998)
- A Plan
for Saddam - The White House months ago cooked up a new strategy for crippling Iraq.
Will it work? [Newsweek] (November 16, 1998)
- 1-800-Prime
Minister - [Newsweek] (November 16, 1998)
- Raising
Atlantis - [Newsweek] (November 16, 1998)
- Reviews
- [Newsweek] (November 16, 1998)
- The
Rubin Rumors - [Newsweek] (November 16, 1998)
- 'Simpsons'
Sighting? - [Newsweek] (November 16, 1998)
- The
Sons Also Rise - They're children of power who've proved themselves. But in 2000 Bush
and Gore may find their names a blessing and a burden. [Newsweek] (November 16,
- Soul
Searching With R. Kelly - [Newsweek] (November 16, 1998)
- Surviving
the Medicare Mess - How to avoid pain when your Medicare HMO shuts down. [Newsweek] (November
16, 1998)
- Surviving
the Medicare Mess - How to avoid pain when your Medicare HMO shuts down. [Newsweek] (November
16, 1998)
- Surviving
the Medicare Mess - How to avoid pain when your Medicare HMO shuts down. [Newsweek] (November
16, 1998)
- Surviving
the Medicare Mess - How to avoid pain when your Medicare HMO shuts down. [Newsweek] (November
16, 1998)
- Tabloid
TV - [Newsweek] (November 16, 1998)
- Talking
Points - [Newsweek] (November 16, 1998)
- This
Bug's For You - Can 'A Bug's Life' squish all the new family movies--and overtake that
other ant flick? Sure. The makers of 'Toy Story' are about to give you another buzz.
[Newsweek] (November 16, 1998)
- Two
Heirs Unapparent - Heads are rolling after some big financial mergers [Newsweek] (November
16, 1998)
- A
Tycoon For Our Times? - Why Americans can't seem to decide whether they should love or
hate Microsoft's Bill Gates [Newsweek] (November 16, 1998)
- The
Unknown Supernova - [Newsweek] (November 16, 1998)
- Virtual
Parents - [Newsweek] (November 16, 1998)
- Weighty
Tomes - [Newsweek] (November 16, 1998)
- Where
Have All the Tellers Gone? - [Newsweek] (November 16, 1998)
- Writers
Turned Rockers - [Newsweek] (November 16, 1998)
- Y2K and
China - [Newsweek] (November 16, 1998)
- The
Abortion Wars Come Home - A search for a sniper casts light on the shadowy world of
hard-core protesters [Newsweek] (November 9, 1998)
- Airline
Tickets Online: Your Best Bet? - [Newsweek] (November 9, 1998)
- An
Armful of Agony - Drugs and therapy offer new hope for 'cutters' [Newsweek] (November
9, 1998)
- Attacks
Have Airlines Angry - [Newsweek] (November 9, 1998)
- Austin,
Texas - [Newsweek] (November 9, 1998)
- The
Bell Jar Tolls - Death of a poet notorious for his loves and labors [Newsweek] (November
9, 1998)
- A Better
Mousetrap? - [Newsweek] (November 9, 1998)
- Buying
High, Selling Low? - DuPont didn't exactly hit a gusher in the oil biz [Newsweek] (November
9, 1998)
- Candid
Castro - [Newsweek] (November 9, 1998)
- Chelsea's
Challenge - [Newsweek] (November 9, 1998)
- Clouds
in the Crystal - [Newsweek] (November 9, 1998)
- The
Cold War on Screen - CNN's megaseries has been attacked as slanted. No, it's vivid,
revealing and mostly fair-minded. [Newsweek] (November 9, 1998)
- A Crewd
Parody - [Newsweek] (November 9, 1998)
- Designer
Babies - Scientists say that, with gene therapy, they may soon be able to cure a
child's inherited disease before he is even born. But should they be allowed to create
kids with made-to-order traits? [Newsweek] (November 9, 1998)
- Did
Gadgets Go Awry? - Probing Swissair's entertainment system [Newsweek] (November
9, 1998)
- Digging
Into the Nanny's Defense Fund - [Newsweek] (November 9, 1998)
- Eject
Button On Cynicism - Glenn, a giant from a monumental generation, is proving that
there are no final missions [Newsweek] (November 9, 1998)
- The
Feminist's Mistake? - A new book challenges Betty Friedan's oft-told story of her life
as a trapped suburban housewife [Newsweek] (November 9, 1998)
- Giving
Peace a Fresh Chance - Netanyahu dodges a bullet, but Arafat faces real trouble
[Newsweek] (November 9, 1998)
- The
Goldberg-Tripp-Jones Axis - The White House blames Clinton's potential perjury problem
on the special prosecutor. But if there was a trap, it was set by women offstage, not by
Starr. [Newsweek] (November 9, 1998)
- A
Golden Age on Campus - More retirees go home to the old alma mater [Newsweek] (November
9, 1998)
- A Good
Day to Die - [Newsweek] (November 9, 1998)
- Hail,
Deion, Full of Grace - The man who embodied flash, brash and cash has been humbled by
The Man Upstairs. Can a redeemed Deion Sanders save the Cowboys, too? [Newsweek] (November
9, 1998)
- Help for
Hurricane Mitch - [Newsweek] (November 9, 1998)
- Here's
the Skinny on Ally McBeal - [Newsweek] (November 9, 1998)
- Hillary's
Hectic Campaign Tour - [Newsweek] (November 9, 1998)
- Hollywood
Holdouts - [Newsweek] (November 9, 1998)
- Horton
Hatches a What? - [Newsweek] (November 9, 1998)
- The Hot
New Tech Cities - Across America and around the world, hot spots are challenging
Silicon Valley. Where to find the new jobs, the new wealth and the sheer fun of the
Information Age today. [Newsweek] (November 9, 1998)
- Hunky
Harrison - [Newsweek] (November 9, 1998)
- Jefferson's
DNA Trail - Genetics shows he had at least one child with his slave [Newsweek] (November
9, 1998)
- Michael
Hall's New Roles - [Newsweek] (November 9, 1998)
- The
Mogul and Ms. Jones - An eccentric millionaire wades into Paula v. Bill [Newsweek] (November
9, 1998)
- Morrison
Boneyard: Strange Days - [Newsweek] (November 9, 1998)
- MP3
Finds A Friend - [Newsweek] (November 9, 1998)
- New
Life in the Brain - Startling proof that nerve cells regenerate may offer hope for an
eventual Alzheimer's cure [Newsweek] (November 9, 1998)
- Nuclear
Threat - [Newsweek] (November 9, 1998)
- Oh, You
Silly Boy - Adam Sandler's low-budget movies might seem puerile and dumb. But his many
loyal fans wouldn't have it any other way. [Newsweek] (November 9, 1998)
- OK'ing
a Breast Cancer Drug - Tamoxifen is approved for women at high risk [Newsweek] (November
9, 1998)
- On Air,
Bill's an 'Honorary Brother' - [Newsweek] (November 9, 1998)
- On Air,
Bill's an 'Honorary Brother', The Divas Were Divine - [Newsweek] (November 9,
- On the
Ball - [Newsweek] (November 9, 1998)
- Online
Power Plays - [Newsweek] (November 9, 1998)
- The
Peacock Flock: Sassa's New Brood - [Newsweek] (November 9, 1998)
- Placido's
New Place - [Newsweek] (November 9, 1998)
- Reel
Devotion - [Newsweek] (November 9, 1998)
- Return
of a Rebel - [Newsweek] (November 9, 1998)
- Reviews
- [Newsweek] (November 9, 1998)
- Santa
Monica Slayings - [Newsweek] (November 9, 1998)
- Satisfaction's
High Price - [Newsweek] (November 9, 1998)
- Serious
Books, Big Bucks - Perseus taps into readers who want substance, not froth [Newsweek] (November
9, 1998)
- Sitcom
or Tragedy? - High drama and low ratings at 'Sports Night' [Newsweek] (November
9, 1998)
- Smits
Quits Hit, Gives Wits Fits - [Newsweek] (November 9, 1998)
- Smoke
'Em If You Got 'Em - [Newsweek] (November 9, 1998)
- A
Sprinkling of Ziggy Stardust - [Newsweek] (November 9, 1998)
- A Spy in
the Network - [Newsweek] (November 9, 1998)
- Suddenly
Sassa at NBC - Can a friendly cable guy save the network? [Newsweek] (November
9, 1998)
- Tales
from the '2000' Side - [Newsweek] (November 9, 1998)
- Trump
Card - [Newsweek] (November 9, 1998)
- Try to
Get a Grip - [Newsweek] (November 9, 1998)
- U.S. v.
Microsoft: Slower Than the Web, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday - [Newsweek] (November
9, 1998)
- Waiting
Game - [Newsweek] (November 9, 1998)
- Woman
of Faith - Once a pawn in the rap wars, Evans is back with a new CD [Newsweek] (November
9, 1998)
- The
Wrongly Condemned - How many capital cases end in false convictions? [Newsweek] (November
9, 1998)
- Yeltsin's
'Soft Resignation' - Primakov takes over as Russia's leader gives in to illness
[Newsweek] (November 9, 1998)
- Youth
Movement - [Newsweek] (November 9, 1998)
- Zero-G
And I Feel Fine - Blasting into orbit, John Glenn restores romance to space--and
reminds us all of headier days as he floats into history [Newsweek] (November 9,
- McGwire
Memorabilia Auction a Home Run - [Newsweek] (November 4, 1998)
- Book
Buzz - [Newsweek] (November 3, 1998)
- Affording
College - [Newsweek] (November 2, 1998)
- And the
Winner Is... - [Newsweek] (November 2, 1998)
- B-Cause
- [Newsweek] (November 2, 1998)
- A Book
from Babe - [Newsweek] (November 2, 1998)
- The
Campaign to Keep Clinton - [Newsweek] (November 2, 1998)
- Can
Arafat Make the Wye Accord Stick? - His government is already struggling to stay
afloat. This deal only steps up the pressure. [Newsweek] (November 2, 1998)
- City
Slacker - On the town with a most eccentric guide [Newsweek] (November 2, 1998)
- Clear
Danger - [Newsweek] (November 2, 1998)
- Cyberstumping
- [Newsweek] (November 2, 1998)
- The
Deal Makers - After nine grueling days of talks, the Mideast peace process is alive
again. The Wye accord may be an important step forward for the region, but it's a huge
victory for Bill Clinton. [Newsweek] (November 2, 1998)
- Diamond's
Portable Jewel - [Newsweek] (November 2, 1998)
- Diamond's
Portable Jewel - [Newsweek] (November 2, 1998)
- Digital
Age Designer - [Newsweek] (November 2, 1998)
- Election:
Trick or Treat? - [Newsweek] (November 2, 1998)
- From
Icon to Albatross? - [Newsweek] (November 2, 1998)
- From
Russia With Love - [Newsweek] (November 2, 1998)
- Georgia
on His Mind - Tom Wolfe takes on the New South in 'A Man in Full' [Newsweek] (November
2, 1998)
- The
Ghouls and the Gauls - [Newsweek] (November 2, 1998)
- Gift
Giving Gets Smart - [Newsweek] (November 2, 1998)
- A Green
Bottom Line - Black leaders struggle to balance jobs, pollution [Newsweek] (November
2, 1998)
- Halloween
Scene - [Newsweek] (November 2, 1998)
- A
High-Tech Museum - [Newsweek] (November 2, 1998)
- How's
Healthcare? - [Newsweek] (November 2, 1998)
- http://www.newsweek.com/nw-srv/issue/18_98b/tnw/today/nm/nm03fr_1.htm
- [Newsweek] (November 2, 1998)
- http://www.newsweek.com/nw-srv/issue/18_98b/tnw/today/nm/nm01th_1.htm
- [Newsweek] (November 2, 1998)
- I Do, I
Do--Maybe - Grow up, buy a house, have a kid--and perhaps a wedding. Why marriage may
be optional. [Newsweek] (November 2, 1998)
- Imagine
All the Outtakes - A box of wonders from Lennon's solo years [Newsweek] (November
2, 1998)
- Japan's
Suicide Spot - [Newsweek] (November 2, 1998)
- Jump
Shots - Basketball literature [Newsweek] (November 2, 1998)
- King of
the Canon - Harold Bloom on why Shakespeare still rules [Newsweek] (November 2,
- Lady
Sings the Blues - Meet the little-known power behind some big show-business hits
[Newsweek] (November 2, 1998)
- Landmarks
in Family Life - [Newsweek] (November 2, 1998)
- The
Limitations of the Truth - Remembering apartheid's horror is important. Absolving the
perpetrators is difficult. But making sense of evil is impossible. [Newsweek] (November
2, 1998)
- Little
Cars, Big Issues - A rash of fires sparks a Power Wheels recall [Newsweek] (November
2, 1998)
- Lurking
In The Dark - The author of children's horror books peers into our fear-filled future,
and sees the monsters and ghouls that have always haunted our nightmares [Newsweek] (November
2, 1998)
- Mama
Mia! - [Newsweek] (November 2, 1998)
- Mike
Changes Mics - [Newsweek] (November 2, 1998)
- Mon
Depardieu! Gerard May Get Dishonored - [Newsweek] (November 2, 1998)
- More
Strings Attached - [Newsweek] (November 2, 1998)
- MTV's
Claymation Combat - [Newsweek] (November 2, 1998)
- Not the
Mile-High Club - [Newsweek] (November 2, 1998)
- An
October Surprise - Clinton's late-night talking skills turned out to be a perfect
match for the moment [Newsweek] (November 2, 1998)
- Outer
Limits - [Newsweek] (November 2, 1998)
- Picasso
on the Block - [Newsweek] (November 2, 1998)
- Rape Ads
Target Men - [Newsweek] (November 2, 1998)
- Rebuilding
the Blood - A breakthrough in bone-marrow transplantation [Newsweek] (November
2, 1998)
- Re-enter
the Dru - [Newsweek] (November 2, 1998)
- Roll
with the Polls - [Newsweek] (November 2, 1998)
- Sad
Tale of Sweet Tunes - [Newsweek] (November 2, 1998)
- Single
White Farmer - [Newsweek] (November 2, 1998)
- 'A
Soldier on a Small Hill' - Jonathan Pollard confessed to spying on his country for
Israel. What did that have to do with the summit? [Newsweek] (November 2, 1998)
- State
Dept. Cybergap - [Newsweek] (November 2, 1998)
- Taking
to the Streets - [Newsweek] (November 2, 1998)
- A Tax
Break For Innocents - If you sign a joint return you didn't know was false, the IRS
may have to let you go [Newsweek] (November 2, 1998)
- A Tax
Break For Innocents - If you sign a joint return you didn't know was false, the IRS
may have to let you go [Newsweek] (November 2, 1998)
- A Tax
Break For Innocents - If you sign a joint return you didn't know was false, the IRS
may have to let you go [Newsweek] (November 2, 1998)
- A Tax
Break For Innocents - If you sign a joint return you didn't know was false, the IRS
may have to let you go [Newsweek] (November 2, 1998)
YEAR'S DOUBLE-SPEAK - Clinton promised to save 'every penny of any budget surplus.'
Guess what? He didn't. [Newsweek] (November 2, 1998)
- Time to
Fly Solo in Stocks? - [Newsweek] (November 2, 1998)
- Time to
Fly Solo in Stocks? - [Newsweek] (November 2, 1998)
- Time to
Fly Solo in Stocks? - [Newsweek] (November 2, 1998)
- Time to
Fly Solo in Stocks? - [Newsweek] (November 2, 1998)
- Tomorrows
Child - Amazing medical advances, great economic opportunities, earlier schooling and
many new kinds of Barbie dolls are among the wonders in store for the first Americans of a
new century. [Newsweek] (November 2, 1998)
- A
Tragic Southern Twist - A Republican is charged in the murder of a rival [Newsweek] (November
2, 1998)
- An
Unfinished Woman - Holly Hunter dazzles as a New York divorcee [Newsweek] (November
2, 1998)
- User-frightening
URLs - [Newsweek] (November 2, 1998)
- A Very
Ugly Gym Suit - Moceanu says her dad squandered her money [Newsweek] (November
2, 1998)
- What's
a Tyrant to Do? - Pinochet's plight means ex-dictators may not be beyond the law's
reach [Newsweek] (November 2, 1998)
- What's
For Dinner? - Genetically engineered, nutrient-enhanced--and probably not cooked at
home. Let's eat! [Newsweek] (November 2, 1998)
- You're
Gay? Stay Away - [Newsweek] (November 2, 1998)