See also:
- Alert your family to severe weather -
Weather alert radios, Two-way radios, FRS, family and business radios, weather alert
radios, NOAA, tornado alert, severe weather warning systems, 280, 250 SLK, Marine radios,
CB's, stereo radios.
- Captain Dave's Survival Center - News and
information to help you increase your chances of survival before, during and after natural
and man-made disasters, including Y2K. Preparedness tips cover specific disaster types,
evacuation planning, food and water preservation and storage, weapons procurement,
caching, first aid and survival medicine, plus reviews of survival books and products.
- Center for Y2K and Society - The Center for Y2K
and Society provides information and resources for those who will respond to the
potentially serious societal impacts resulting from the Y2K computer problem, including
the effects on public health and environmental safety.
- Common Sense Survival Guides -
Guides for many different kinds of emergencies available both on the website and in book
- Dehydrator Recipes and Resources
- Dehydrator Recipes and Resources. Collection of free stories to save you time and money.
FREE weekly newsletter.
- Food Storage FAQ - How to
prepare foods for long term storage, for survival purposes or for extended shelf life, by
Alan T. Hagan.
- Hawaiian Humane Society
Newsletter - Emergency Preparation Tips for pets.
- HeaterMeals - The Meal That Heats Itself
- HeaterMeals are tasty, homestyle meals that require no refrigeration and have a
shelf-life of 2 + years. - Each of the six HeaterMeals varieties comes with a 3/4 pound
entree, a water-activated food heater, a pouch of water, and cutlery packet.
- Home Store and Emergency Prep - The
Family Connection. Ways to become more self-sustained, with articles and information on
food storage, recipes to use,Emergency kits, First-Aid kits, gardening, storage of a years
supply of clothing, blankets and so forth.
- IPC Future Foods - Information on
food and water storage, power, light, heat, communication, sanitation, first aid etc.
- LDS Food Storage List - Provided
Courtesy of the WWW First Ward Latter-day Saints
- Learn-CPR - "Learn CPR,"
a multi-media VidBook with streaming video, teaches life-saving CPR skills for use on
adults, infants and children. Also includes sections on choking emergencies that describe
the Heimlich maneuver and other rescue techniques.
- Lifesaving
Wallet ID Cards - The Sound Feelings wallet card displays your lifesaving medical data
and family contacts and can be updated in seconds.
- Lifewater Canada - Drinking water well
drilling & handpump training manual
- Lightning Protection Institute - The Lightning
Protection Institute provides information on lightning safety and lightning protection
systems for commercial and residential structures.
- Millenium Bus - Chicago area residents
can escape the city during the Y2K disaster by riding the Millenium Bus.
- - One stop source for women to
gather and learn about preparedness. Featured is the Forum,'s Survival
Talk for Women.
- Osmond
Store - Emergency Preparedness Books, as well as supplies.
- PrepareAmerica: The
Preparedness Library - Emergency Preparedness Information Library and Books for
Concerned Citizens.
- - Emergency Preparedness and home
& office security products.
- 4Safety -- a guide to safety - Protect yourself and
your family with the advice of USDA Food Safety, National Safety Council, National Highway
Traffic Safety and Mothers Against Drunk Driving, and many more useful links to
- Safety Tips for the
Home, Outdoors, and Sports - Safety tips for active lifestyles- outdoors, sports,
biking, beach, home, and more from the leaders in first aid - Life Essentials by Zee.
- - This is the premier starting
point for in-depth information regarding Y2K and how to get prepared.
- Simply prepare your home for the Y2K bug - The
Y2Kit is a service designed to assist you to prepare your household for the Millennium
- Surviving Y2K - The fastest-growing Y2K
community on the web! Message Boards, news, free stuff, links, and more.
- TFletch's Y2k
Links - Links to Y2k preparedness items that are outstanding bargains or hard to find
- US Dept of Agriculture - Committed to
assuring that everyone involved in food supply production and distribution is aware of
potential Y2K problems.
- Y2K / Survival Search - Search for the
lastest news and information sites, as well as sites that will help you get prepared for
- Y2K Help - Y2K Help: Preparation and
Protection for your family.
- Y2K Resources - Oregon State
University Extension Service provides publications for families and businesses to prepare
for emergencies. Included: tools for computers, free software from the USDA, assessment
and planning tools, publications on water storage, generators, food preservation, local
contacts for Oregon counties.
- Y2K Shopping Center - Our search engine
(Y2K Bargain Hunter) helps you find the best prices and deals on y2k preparation products
such as dehydrated food, seeds, generators, emergency and survival kits, and radios on the
- Y2K Survival Plan - This site
offers a Y2K Survival booklet for $5.
- - Toplist of Y2K sites.
- Your Emergency Kit - What to send
to disaster-struck areas, what to put into your own emergency kit, how to volunteer your
time, talents, or equipment to help victims in disaster areas.