See also:
- Consumer World: Everything Consumer
- Consumer
World has over 1700 links to everything 'consumer' on the Internet.
- Consumerama - People with a *Beef* & a
- Picketing has moved online. An index of companies with links to
consumer protest websites and government investigations. Weekly consumer alerts, updates,
and features.
- The Bad, Better & Best Businesses Bulletin
Board - An open web (soap)box for consumers to get others to know about their good and
bad experiences with specific businesses.
- Consumer Action &
Advice Ring - An informal alliance of fun, informative, and sometimes weird consumer
websites. Advice, information, protests and boycotts. Pro-consumer, anti-consumerism.
- Consumer Advocacy at - Topical and timely consumer articles and editorial content, with links
to essential consumer resources.
- Consumer Information Center - "service is
provided by the Consumer Information Center of the U.S. General Services
- Consumer Resource and Advocacy - If you've been
ripped off or improperly treated by a business, Take Action! FightBack with David Horowitz
by posting your complaint on our complaint board for the whole wide world to see, or have
David Horowitz send a personal letter on your behalf to assist you in resolving your
- - ConsumerREVIEW is the
leading resource of quality consumer-generated product reviews on the Internet, with over
85,000 reviews on 15,000 products. Our mission is to provide consumers the opportunity to
review and learn about the products they use, as well as have a forum to interact with
people who share a common interest.
- Florida Watch - Sunshine State Consumer
Guide. Useful resources for residents and visitors alike.
- Free-Nets & Community Networks
- Find a free community ISP or freenet.
- Insurance Consumer Advocate Network - Retired
adjuster created site where consumers receive tips on buying auto and/or homeowner
insurance as well as help in settling auto insurance claims, home insurance claims and
personal injury claims.
- Is ethical consumer an oxymoron?
- This part of site challenges ethical consumerism
- The Moving Assistant -
Moving related information, for tenants and landlords. From changing your utilities and
rentals to license branches and schools. Rental vacancy listings and resources.
- Neytendasamt�kin - Consumers'
Association of Iceland. Help, information, magazine, links. English page.
- Usenet misc.consumers - news:
- Usenet alt.consumers.experiences - news: