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You are here:  Home > Health > Patient Education
  • A Patient's Guide to the Internet   - A step-by-step guide for patients seeking medical information on the Internet : Covers References, Resources, Support Groups, Mailing Lists, Medical Terminology, and a Glossary.
  • Allexperts Medical Q&A - Doctors, professors, and others in all major fields of medicine ready, willing, and able to answer your questions.
  • American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry - Assisting parents and families in understanding developmental, behavioral, emotional, and mental disorders affecting children and adolescents.
  • American Psychological Assoc (APA) Help Center - offers facts, tips and information on coping with job insecurity and workplace stress, family situations such as problem teenagers or caring for elderly parents, and the 'mind-body connection,' including coping with life-threatening or chronic illnesses.
  • Bennett Family Practice - Infectious Diseases, Preventive Medicine
  • beWELL.com - Medical information for everyone.
  • The Cancer Supportive Care Programs For Total Patient Care - Programs to Complement Surgery, Radiation Therapy, Chemotherapy and Immunotherapy
  • CancerLinks... Searching the web for information - The CancerLinks Search Website is devoted to helping people search the World Wide Web in an effort to learn more about Cancer, its effects, and its treatment. Along with an exhaustive listing of excellent URLs, there is also a Web Search Tutorial for beginners.
  • CHID - Combined Health Information Database - CHID is a database produced by health-related agencies of the Federal Government. This database provides titles, abstracts, and availability information for health information and health education resources. The value of this database is that it lists a wealth of education materials and program descriptions that are not indexed elsewhere.
  • Colorado HealthNet: Chronic Illnesses - Provides free access to support services, resources, holistic health and other medical information for persons with chronic medical conditions.
  • Common Orthopaedic Hand Conditions - Common Orthopaedic Hand Conditions - A patient information web site discussing several hand ailments - Topics Covered: Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Ganglion Cysts, Dupuytren's Contracture, de Quervain's Tenosynovitis, Trigger Finger/Thumb. Also helpful info for medical students during their ortho clerkship. Written in a basic, easy to understand format.
  • Diagnostic Doc - Provides concise information discussing treatments, therapies, preventive health care, and alternative medicine.
  • Diagnostic Procedures Database from Healthgate - The 294 procedures covered in this reference are presented in a format that allows rapid review; Includes complete and comprehensive indexing and extensive cross-referencing within procedure sections.
  • Doctors Forum - "A complete online medical reference written with the layperson in mind." Professional services registration also available.
  • Empowermed, Inc. - Empowermed, Inc. is a professional health and medical information service creating completely customized medical and medical research reports.
  • A Guide to Medical Information and Support on the Internet - Covers medical chats, newsgroups, listservs, doctors online, Medline access, research tips, and comprehensive medical and health sites.
  • Health and Medical Information, medical links. - Medical and health information for health professionals, patients and families. Information about hospitals, diseases, injuries, health care, surgery and infections.
  • HealthCentral.com - HealthCentral.com has personalized, accurate and entertaining consumer health information from Dr. Dean Edell. The site's information is designed to enable anyone to make intelligent, informed decisions about health-related products and services.
  • healthfinder - is a "gateway" website for Health and Human Services information from the US Government. Healthfinder can lead you to selected online publications, clearinghouses, databases, web sites, and support and self-help groups, as well as the government agencies and not-for-profit organizations that produce information for the public.
  • HealthScout: Personalized Health News For You And Your Family - Personal and family health news, interactive checkups, medical encyclopedias, discussion groups, articles on drugs, diseases.
  • HealthySelf: Health and Medical Information Research Service - HealthySelf provides fee-based health and medical information on diseases, procedures, treatments (conventional and alternative) and resources.
  • HealthyWay - A comprehensive online health and wellness resource designed primarily for Canadians, but offers excellent information and services. The Reference Tools section includes charts, checklists, primers, and how-to sites.
  • Heart Information Network - HeartInfo - HeartInfo is an independent, educational website founded by a patient and a physician. Welcome!
  • HELP - Health Education Library for People - with many free online full-text books and magazines on health and illness.
  • How to Review Your Blood Test Results - Explains glucose, electrolytes, minerals, thyroid and others.
  • Information for Patients on Allergy, Asthma and Immunology from the ACAAI - Allergy, Asthma & Immunology is an information and news service for patients, parents of patients, purchasers of group health programs, the news media, and others interested in the allergic diseases. The site is maintained by allergists, the specialists who treat allergies and asthma, and their professional organization, the American College of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology.
  • Internet Grateful Med V2.6.2 - National Library of Medicine's Grateful Med user interface.
  • JAMA's patient education pages - The full text of patient education pages from the Journal of the American Medical Association.
  • KALEIDOSCOPE Interactive - ktv-i.com Health television, news, chat, live video. Health organization directory, doctor, hospital and health plan directories (by state). HealthLink, a weekly email digest is also available.
  • KidsHealth - Children's Health & Parenting Information - Looking for expert health information for the entire family? KidsHealth.org has the latest on everything from chicken pox to dyslexia in easy-to-read articles for kids, teens, and parents.
  • KMESA's Asbestos Disease Resources - Information, resources and links about mesothelioma and other asbestos diseases, treatment options, asbestos litigation, and occupational health, from KMESA Law Offices.
  • Laboratory Tests and Other Diagnostic Medical Tests - is an excellent reference, written for parents to help explain diagnostic procedures to their children. Because its intended audience is children, the descriptions are brilliant in their simplicity and structure. You can search for a test in two ways: 1) by name, or 2) by the kind of sample that is collected or type of imaging.
  • Laurus Health Information - Laurus provides up-to-date, physician-reviewed information on health conditions and pharmaceuticals, plus descriptions of medical tests and procedures.
  • Mayo Clinic Health Oasis - Mayo Clinic experts provide current medical information and news on health topics.
  • MCare: Health at Home - An online book covering a broad range of health topics, with questions to guide the reader as to whether the condition can be treated at home or should be checked by a doctor.
  • MCW HealthLink - Expert physicians from the Medical College of Wisconsin provide up-to-date health information and medical news.
  • Medcareonline - Online information about women's health, men's health and sexuality, pregnancy and reproductive health, child care, aging, physical fitness, dental health, heart conditions, mental health and parenting.
  • The Medical Reporter - An independent, educational health and medical magazine on the Web for health care consumers.
  • Medical World Search - is a unique search engine that understands medical terminology, can query other search engines, and results in precise, targeted searches. It also remembers query history for registered users (registration is free), and has a discussion forum.
  • Medicine OnLine (meds.com) - In-depth information on cancer for health care professionals and patients. Features DoseCalc and Daily Oncology News. Excellent collection of cancer sites and information.
  • Mediconsult.com - For each medical topic or condition listed, MediConsult presents a "kit" of organized information relevant to that subject. The educational materials provide a basic understanding of the subject, the latest treatments, medications, organizations, support groups, clinical trials, fitness/prevention, and glossary of terms associated with the condition.
  • MedInfo - Patient Information - MedInfo provides accessible and easy to understand information for patients on common ailments and medical questions.
  • MEDLINEplus - The National Library of Medicine's MEDLINEplus, the consumer version of MEDLINE, is designed to assist you in locating appropriate, authoritative sources containing information that will help you research your health questions.
  • Medpatients Network - General medical information.
  • Medscape - One of the foremost medical sites on the Internet, Medscape offers the Web's largest collection of free, full-text, peer-reviewed clinical medicine articles.
  • Missouri Teratogen Information Service - A site for pregnant women and/or their doctors who are concerned about the effects of taking medications during pregnancy.
  • National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK) - Contains links to the NIDDK's National Diabetes Education Program, National Diabetes Information Clearinghouse, National Digestive Diseases Information Clearinghouse, National Kidney and Urologic Diseases Information Clearinghouse, and the Weight Control Information Network.
  • National Institutes of Health (NIH) - This is the official web site of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), one of the world's foremost medical research centers. An agency of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, the NIH is the Federal focal point for health research.
  • National Institutes of Health, Office of Rare Diseases - Here you can find information on more than 6000 rare diseases, including current research, publications from scientific and medical journals, completed research, ongoing studies, and patient support groups.
  • National Library of Medicine (NLM) - The National Library of Medicine (NLM), on the campus of NIH in Bethesda, Maryland, is the world's largest medical library. The collections stand at 5 million items--books, journals, technical reports, manuscripts, microfilms, photographs and images.
  • National Organization for Rare Disorders - NORD is a clearinghouse for information concerning disorders affecting fewer than 200,000 individuals worldwide. They will mail or fax information for a small fee.
  • Navy Health Book - General and comprehensive information for patient education which includes Health Promotion, Adult Medicine and Pediatrics. Compiled from the HEALTHWATCH articles in the Naval Service Medical News.
  • NetHealth Online Guide - A comprehensive guide to health on the Internet, with reviews and links to hundreds of online resources.
  • Nutrition, Health & Heart Disease; Cause & Prevention - Not-for-profit site about foods and supplements and how they prevent heart disease and promote general health. Tables, links, comments, nutrition, causes.
  • Ohio State University's patient education documents - Covers an extensive list of medical and surgical conditions. Documents are available in pdf format.
  • Oncolink - Contains information specific to many types of cancer, including the National Cancer Institute's PDQ statements.
  • OnHealth - OnHealth Network home page. Columnists, conditions, resource guides, references, experts, discussions, and searches all available here.
  • PubMed - NLM's search service to access the 9 million citations in MEDLINE and Pre-MEDLINE (with links to participating online journals), and other related databases.
  • Quackwatch - Your Guide to Health Fraud, Quackery, and Intelligent Decisions. Operated by Stephen Barrett, M.D.
  • Sapient Health Network - SHN serves the information and support needs of people with serious health concerns and their friends and families, and offers the most active web-based support communities for specific health conditions.
  • Scleroderma from A to Z - Over 250 pages of Scleroderma medical information and worldwide support group resources. Scleroderma is an autoimmune disease which can occur by itself or along with other illnesses such as lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, Sjogren's syndrome, etc.
  • Self-Help & Psychology Magazine - Self-Help and Psychology Magazine is an educational publication written by mental health professionals for discussion of general psychology as applied to everyday lives. SHPM is a service-oriented, educational forum by behavioral health-care providers.
  • The Spine Page - Dr Glenn Amundsen of the University of Kansas Medical Center describes the common causes of back pain, and the associated diagnostic procedures and treatments.
  • Thrive: Your online health and fitness resource. - Your place for health and medicine, fitness, outdoors, nutrition, and relationships & sexuality, with experts, resources, and community.
  • U. S. Public Health Service - "This web site is designed to help people learn more about public health and about the PHS during its Bicentennial year."
  • WebDoctor - WebDoctor is a comprehensive index of Internet medical information designed by a team of physicians for physicians.
  • WebMD | health & wellness center - offers personalized information, web-based support communities, medical news, and interactive self-care tools.
  • WellnessWeb The Patient's Network - WellnessWeb is a comprehensive health and wellness site with sections on cancer, heart disease, women's health, seniors, nutrition, fitness, smoking cessation and others.

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