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You are here:  Home > Games > Glass Bead Games
  • HipBone Games   - Hermann Hesse, the Swiss-German novelist won the Nobel for his final novel and masterpiece, Magister Ludi, in which he describes the fabulous game known as the "Glass Bead Game" -- describes it clearly enough that you can almost taste the excitement of playing it. Your own mind is what you bring to the HipBone Games: your thoughts are the "pieces", the "cards" you play with.
  • Bodenheimer Gallery - Reliquary: Glass Bead Game - Documentation of a glass bead game, using hypertext, demonstrating free-ranging contemplation of various ideas, within an artificially strict scope.
  • Castalia - A liberal adaptation of Castalia/Waldzell for the Mage: tA Role-Playing Game (RPG).
  • The Center for Ludic Synergy Home Page - The Center for Ludic Synergy is also an online artists' workshop devoted to exploring and manifesting Hermann Hesse's concept of the Glass Bead Game, as developed in his Nobel Prize-winning novel of the same name. Our version of the Glass Bead Game is called Kennexions.
  • CoreWave's Glass Bead Game - There's a lot to think about here, and lots of fun to be had. Follow our Guided Tour to help you get started on one of the most fascinating journeys you're likely to ever experience.
  • Glass Bead Game - The Divine Game - Jeweled Net of Indra. Sacred Science Institute.
  • Glass Bead Game Archive - PLAY games from the future. From Hermann Hesse's novel, The Glass Bead Game, PLAY a futures game on the web, in 5space, in dreamspace, in cyberspace. New Game Theory.
  • The Glass Plate Game - The Glass Plate Game is basically a conversation in the trappings of a board game. Pieces are used to map, against a mosaic, the conversation as players find and discuss connections between ideas represented by various regions of the mosaic. In the sets there are "idea cards" for composing the mosaic, then numbered cubes and colored transparencies for pieces tracking the conversation.
  • Magister-L Home Page - A mailing list for the discussion of games as vehicles for spiritual expression. The question that interests our subscribers is: How can we most effectively bring insights and wisdoms from the spiritual traditions of the world into the realm of games and gaming?
  • Meeting of the Minds - A 1996 Washington Post article by Don Oldenburg about Glass Bead Games on the Internet.
  • The Waldzell Glass Bead Game - The Glass Bead Game at Waldzell is a concretized version of the game described, in general terms, in Hermann Hesse's 1943 novel, Magister Ludi. Although Waldzell provides guidance in the form of rules of play, the central product is the Glass Bead Game Archive. The purpose of the Game Archive (which has a precedent in the novel) is to provide a single, easily accessible repository of completed games.
  • Webmagister Ludi and the Glass Bead Game - Castalia was a protected institution set in the future, and devoted to intellectual pursuits. Castalia was run by the master of the Glass Bead Game. Sitting in a large room, Castalia members would explore magnificent associations of ideas and concepts. To what end? To keep alive knowledge in a world that had fallen apart spiritually, socially, and politically.

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