See also:
- Robohoo!
- The World's Largest Index of
Robotics Resources.
- Arrick Robotics - PC-Based Motion Control Products
- Arrick Robotics mobile robots, stepper motor systems, XY positioning tables, automation
accessories, technical information
- BattleBots - The Ultimate competition in the
field of extreme robotic sports.
- CareBot - The Home Automation Utility from Gecko
Systems - Business and home automation with a programable, upgradable, expandable
robot that interfaces with Windows 95 and NT. GUI software included for you to help your
CareBot grow. This home robot, in addition to being ready to run out of the box, can
automatically navigate and map your home, vacuum a variety of surfaces, and is ready to be
upgraded with your sensors.
- Center for Robotics and
Manufacturing Systems
- cg microsystems home page -
Micro-controlers manufacturer
- Embedded systems
research - SIG
- FIRST - Non-profit organization whose mission is
to generate an interest in science and engineering among today's youth.
- A First Mobile Robot - FirstBOT Home - A
guide to FirstBOT, the simple mobile robot that most hobbyists can build in a weekend. The
site also provides information about an upcoming book on Personal Robotics. Additional
resources include links to user groups, publications, suppliers and other robotics topics.
- Friendly Machines Ltd. domestic use robots
- Friendly Machines Ltd. is the developer of ROBOMOW, the automatic lawnmower robot, and
other domestic use robots. The site is packed with Flash animations, and is geared towards
robots fans and the cutting edge technology lovers.
- Gernsback Publications, Inc. - Introduction - The
leading publisher of Electronics magazines for professionals, hobbyists, and enthusiasts,
with Electronics Now and Popular Electronics
- The Handy Board
- The Handy Board is a 6811-based microcontroller system that lets you build mobile robots
for educational, hobbyist, and industrial purposes. People use the Handy Board to run
robot design courses and competitions at the university and high school level, build
robots for fun, and control industrial devices. This site is the home page and resource
center for users of the Handy Board.
- ISIC/CIRA/ISAS '98 A Joint
Conference on the Science and Technology of Intelligent systems Home Page - Home page
for ISIC/CIRA/ISAS '98: A Joint Conference on the Science and Technology of Intelligent
- Jones on Stepping Motors - A tutorial
on the use of computer controlled stepping motors
- K-Team - Manufacturer of education and research
robots in Europe. Set of mobile robots products and a related know-how, with specific
hardware or software.
- Lego Mindstorms - The ultra-cool
construction toy company now makes a robotics kit, competely compatible with the rest of
the Lego System. Check out the official web site.
- Lynxmotion Robot Kits - Introducing the
Lynxmotion Series of Mobile Robot, Manipulator and Sensor Kits
- Machine vision devices and applications for
quality control and robot guidance - Intelligent cameras with integrated DSP and DSP
based frame grabbers for machine vision industrial quality inspection and assurance and
robot guidance in picking and deburring systems. Telecamere intelligenti con DSP a bordo
per applicazioni di visione artificiale e guida robot.
- Mark 2 Automation - Mark 2 manufactures Robotics
and Automation systems for the injection molding industry, from 30 to 3000 ton machines
- Mechanical Parts Sources - P.O. Box
1574, Hurst, Texas, 76053 USA Ph: (817) 571-4528 Fax: (817) 571-2317
- Mekatronix, Inc.
- Menelli Box PowerGlove Interface
- Microchip Technology Inc. - Text Version
- Mondo-tronics' Robot Store
- Mowbot Project
- MPJA Electronics Mail Order Co. - An Electronics Mail
Order Company
- New Micros Inc
- ORNL Robotics and Process Systems Division
- Helping the United States solve challenging problems through research and development of
advanced robotics and chemical process systems technology. Topics include Robotics,
Telerobotics, Remote Operation, Process Control, Automation, and Human Factors.
- Robot - Robot Kits and Books -
Reviews of robotics books and other robotics information.
- Robot Wars - The Official Site for Robot Wars --
a mechanical sporting event that features radio controlled robots in a contest of
destruction and survival.
- Robotics Education Consultants -
Integrate hands-on robotics activities into your math, science, technology, and/or
computer science curriculm. Teach simulations, programming, and construction. Inservices,
workshops, and summer camps...
- Robotics FAQ Table of Contents -
Robotics Frequently Asked Questions List
- Robotics for the Plastics Industry - Yushin America,
Inc. A leading supplier of robotics and automation for the Plastics Injection Molding
- The Simple Step Motion Control Line of Products
- Simple Step is a set of motion control boards that allow easy simple connection via a
standard serial port to control Single, Dual, and Triple Axis systems. All boards can be
networked. All Axis have a minimum of Home, Limit and 2 user inputs, one 0.5 amp FET
controlled output and one 20ma OC output. Motor current is adjustable from 0.01 amps per
phase to 6.25 amps, Half, Full, and Microstepping on selected products. Single voltage
operation from 12 to 38 volts DC. Translator and Driver on the same board! RS232, or
RS422/485 from 9600 baud to 115.2K. Quadrature encoder interface is also available.
- Simpler Robotics - Information and Parts for
- Tennessee Industrial Electronics-Fanuc parts and
repair - Fanuc parts in stock or we will make them. Save money with a repairable
exchange. We sell, buy, and trade Fanuc.
- Tower Hobbies - Supplier of radio controlled
models. Tower Hobbies has been serving R/C modelers since 1971 and is widely known for its
professional, premium service at competitive prices.
- UMass Laboratory for Perceptual
- OOPic: Object-Oriented Programmable Integrated Circuit
- More than just another Programmable Micro-controller, it's a Programmable Virtual
Circuit! Programmable in Basic, C, or Java syntax. Be sure to look at the Projects link
for robotic projects. (June 18, 1999)
- Usenet comp.robotics.misc - news: