- EFLib - Documentation - the EFLIB
project documentation
- EFLib - Mailing lists - Mailing
lists for EFLIB - how to subscribe and on-line message archive.
- Home of EFLIB! - Object-oriented library for
every Pascal programmer. GUI, math and classic data structures. Open standard: free source
code and use.
- My Desk Pile: For programmers (Dos/
Windows, Pascal, Delphi, etc) - Revised 16. Oct 97
- Numerical Recipes Home Page -
Home of the Numerical Recipes series of books on scientific programming, including the
Numerical Recipes On-Line Software Store, free upgrades and bug fixes, and the complete
books on-line in PostScript and Acrobat formats.
- Pascal Central - The intent of Pascal
Central is to provide the pascal community one place to obtain Pascal technical
information, Pascal source code, and Pascal-related internet links.
- Pascal Programming Home Page
- Pascal Programming v2.0
- SWAG - SourceWare Archival Group on-line -
Some Pascal sources & stuff - total sources: more than 2100! A complete archive of
SWAG available on the web.
- SWAG (Sourceware Archive Group) -
SWAG is a collection of Pascal code that has been collected for years, but is no longer
- Usenet comp.lang.pascal.misc - news: