- Fun with Computer
- Object-Oriented
Languages in the Industry: A Comparison
- ACM "Hello, World"
Project - List of the famous "Hello, World!" programming teaching program,
in hundreds of different languages.
- 99 Bottles of Beer on the
Wall - A famous programming song, written in over 220 programming languages.
- Bruce Tobin's Language Performance
- Comparison between Modula-3
and other languages
- Magnetic Ink: Download: QTime - QTime
(display time as English sentence) implemented in over a dozen languages.
- Objective-C:
Comparisons with other Languages
- PERC Product Information -
6 interesting comparisons of PERC and 6 other languages. Programming Language Landscape
graphic sorts 8 languages by application use, level, time dependence.
- Perl verses ... - Tom Christiansen
compares Perl to other languages, and some of the others to yet others.
- Programming Language Critiques
- Newer version, by new author.
- Programming
Language Critiques - Older version, by original author.
- Programming Languages Table - Big,
very useful table of function point evaluation values for many languages; by Capers Jones,
Chairman, Software Productivity Research, Inc.
- Python Compared to Other Languages
- Many links to comparisons involving Python.
- The Quine Page - A collection of
self-reproducing programs
- Reasons for TOM - Flaws in other
languages compared with TOM.
- The ROT13 Page - ROT13
implemented in many programming languages.
- Ted Shieh's Programming Language
- A Text Processing Benchmark: Perl; Python; OCAML;
ISE Eiffel, SmallEiffel
- Willcam's Language Feature Simple