See also:
- Astera Software Business Solutions - Astera develops
custom software using its proprietary Centerprise Framework. Includes OO, VB support, and
component programming.
- CMeister - CMeister is an IDE (Integrated
Development Environment) for developing applications in C language. It supports basic IDE
features such as source editing, compiling, application building, multi-level debugging,
version controlling, etc.
- Mantis from Cincom - An advanced
application development system that provides design, development and implementation
facilities for the application development cycle.
- Online Developers Network - Programming; Visual
Basic, Delphi. Services; Web Rings, - We are devoted to brining developers the best in
web services, and high quality development resources. Services: Web Hosting, Awards,
DevRing Resources: Visual Basic, Delphi, Perl & CGI
- Rapid Developer - Revolutionary tool that
cuts programming time by 50%. Tailor-made for developing database applications. ActiveX
- River Run Software - Comprehensive and integrated
remote secure access to enterprise databases from mobile devices. Develop and customize
solutions with "zero" code to be written. Carry a local database on your mobile
device, work offline or online.
- UniSQL - an advanced object relational
database management system, that allows you to better model your organization's data for
today's complex business applications. UniSQL Server enables you to unify your
organization, to provide a single, global view of your organization's disparate data,
thereby leveraging existing systems and anticipating the customer-focused future.
- VisionSoft, Inc. - High quality software
development tools for C/C++, JAVA, SQL, to help developers build better software.