- Association for Interactive Media - Formed in
1993 to defend the Internet industry in Washington, to promote consumer confidence, and to
provide successful business-to-business networking opportunities.
- Association of Internet
Professionals - Association of Internet Professionals.organization for Internet
Professionals to gain knowledge and share ideas. Part of a 10,000 member international
- Berkman Center for Internet and Society -
The Berkman Center is a research program founded to explore cyberspace, share in its
study, and help pioneer its development.
- Digital Future Coalition - The 42 member Digital Future
Coalition (DFC) is committed to preserving the time-tested balance between the rights of
owners of intellectual property and the traditional use privileges of the public.
- The Electronic Frontier Foundation
- Good News Web Designers Association - For
professional and in-training Christian webmasters. Membership is free and includes Online
Web Designing Course.
- International Webmasters Association -
International Webmasters Association is an individual membership association dedicated to
being the professional development and educational resource for individuals.
- International Webmasters Association Pakistan Chapters
- International Webmasters Association is the professional organization for the
professionals, companies and individuals involved in web development. Membership at
present for Pakistan region is free.
- Internet Brothers - Expanding web community by
offering free tips and tutorials about HTML and DHTML, graphics editing, site promotion,
digital photography, and desktop publishing. Presented often with a touch of humor, and
always with examples.
- Internet Organizations -
America Online legal department list of Internet Organizations.
- The Internet Society (ISOC) - The Internet Society
(ISOC) an international membership organization working to assure the evolution of global
Internet and internetworking technologies through leadership, issues, and education.
- ISA - The international society for measurement and
control reference and product information, training, and professional development.
- UNESCO - United Nations Educational, Scientific and
Cultural Organization - UNESCO programmes and activities (education, sciences, culture
and communication), current events, press releases and publications; access to several
databases and some statistics.