- Sun Microsystems
- Sun
Microsystems, Inc. The Network Is The Computer(TM).
- Aurora Technologies - Aurora Technologies designs
and manufactures a wide range of multiport synchronous and asynchronous multiport serial
controllers for Sun Solaris and Windows NT Servers.
- Business Systems International Ltd - Supplier of
SUN systems, specialist peripherals and Solaris software.
- Computer Connection of Central New York, Inc. -
Refurbished Sun Microsystems and Compatible UNIX workstations. Over 10 years experience
with sales and service for SUN.
- fanstatic specials - New and used
mainframe and pc products.
- Free or Public Domain Software for Solaris -
Free or Public Domain Software for Solaris SPARC or Intel
- Hardware Compatibility Lists for
Solaris (Intel Platform Edition) - lists all compatable hardware for using Solaris
- Jason's page on using the sun/hitachi 4119
monitor on a PC - Tips for Linux and NT users with older Sun Monitors
- Java Station - JavaStation(tm) Network
Computer (NC)
- Linux for SPARC Processors - This
is a project to port the Linux operating system to SPARC microprocessor based systems,
specifically to Sun SPARCstations. This is not a "new" version of Linux, it is a
port that is integrated into the normal distribution kernel tree. The user level interface
and most of the kernel is still the same. Only machine-dependent parts of the kernel have
- Maple Lawn Farm Utilities -
Source code of utilities used at Maple Lawn Farm.
- OpenBSD - OpenBSD for an alternative OS to run on
your SPARC platform.
- Radiant Resources - Reseller of
refurbished Sun Microsystem's Computers. Our products include: servers, workstations,
memory, disks, monitors, software, storage arrays, networking components and other
- Rave Computer Association, - Sun Microsystems
Computer OEM
- Recurrent Technologies - Stocks refurbished Sun
systems and peripherals. Tested and warrantied to your satisfaction.
- The Solaris Helpers Page -
Solaris helper applications for Netscape Navigator
- Solaris Intel Platform Frequently-asked Questions
(FAQ) - Concerns setup and use of Solaris running on Intel Hardware
- The SPARC Product Directory(sm) online
- find SPARC(r) manufacturers, products and resellers
- Specifications for
ST-410800 - Specifications for ST-410800
- Sun3 Archive - Welcome to the Sun3
- Sun SPARCStation Voyager FAQ
- Everything you wanted to know about the Sun SPARCStation Voyager, but were afraid to
- SunHELP - SunHELP aims to be a useful resource for
information relating to Sun Microsystems products and operating systems.
- Sun's Year 2000 Information Site
- SunSolve Online - Customer service and help for
Sun customers, with lots of publicly available data on hardare and software.
- Sunware Catalog - for
clothes and other nick-nacks with the Sun Logo on it.
- SunWorld
Online - October - OpenBoot Q&A - Questions and answers on OpenBoot
- Ultra Spec Catalog - Manufacturers of the
Highest Quality Cabling Solutions for the Workstation Market.
- Unix
Serial Port Resources: Sun Serial Port Cables Pinouts - Pinout of various Sun Serial
ports and splitter cables, vendors.
- Useful tools for Sun
workstations and Solaris - Useful tools for Sun workstations and Solaris
- Using a fixed-frequency monitor
on a PC - with information on using Sun and Sony monitors with PC video cards
- Vigra SBus Color Frame Buffers
- installation guide for models VS10, VS11 and VS12
- Welcome to Sun Microelectronics -
Develops, designs and distributes SPARC and Java processor technologies and products
- Usenet comp.sys.sun.hardware - news:
- Usenet comp.sys.sun.misc - news:
- Usenet comp.sys.sun.wanted - news: