- Apple ][ Emulator Resources Guide
- The Apple IIgs Gaming Memory Fairway - Apple
IIgs game information, disk images and memorabilia
- AppleWin 2.0 Project - Site
to coordinate development of a new version of the AppleWin emulator
- Bernie ][ The Rescue - An Apple IIgs
emulator for Power Macintosh
- Catakig - Mac-hosted emulator of the Apple
][, ][+, and //e
- Chris, Mark and Terry's Apple ][ Home Page -
Information on the Apple ][ including links to emulators and disk images
- DSK2FILE - An Apple II utility
to create disk image files from 5.25" floppy disks
- Gus - An Apple IIgs emulator for
the Macintosh, still in the works
- KEGS - Kent's Emulated GS
- An Apple IIgs emulator for HP-UX, Linux, Solaris and OS/2
- Profilon's Apple
II emulator page - ApplePC and AppleWin emulators, Apple Disk Transfer utility, system
ROMs and game images
- Rich Skrenta's Apple II emulator in C
- Sweet16 - An Apple IIgs emulator
for BeOS
- XGS-DOS and XGS-XFREEOS/2 - Ports of
the XGS Apple IIgs emulator for DOS and OS/2
- YAE, Yet another Apple ][ Emulator - An
Apple ][+ emulator for UNIX
- Usenet comp.emulators.apple2 - news:
- Usenet comp.sys.apple2.programmer - news: