See also:
- ATR - Human Information
Processing Research Labs
- Home of Tierra, "Robokoneko" (robot child cat)
and some of the most exciting real world alife work around.
- European Conference on Alife.
- The 5th
European Conference on Artificial Life,Switzerland, September 1999
- Alife + - Artificial Life
links: research groups, individuals, institutions, resource pages, software - tools,
simulation and analysis packages, and bibliographies.
- ALife
Bibliography - On-Line Publications on Artificial Life and related fields.
- Alife Database Weblication - A Searchable
Database for Artificial Life and Alife related sites on the Net. The data is automatically
gathered by an intelligent search bot scanning the WWW. The database is updateable online
and open to all Alife authors.
- Alife Database Weblication - An
open searchable database of Artificial Life and Alife related sites on the Net gathered by
it's own intelligent agent.
- Artificial Intelligence - Artificial Life - AI, TSP,
GA, GP, ants - Links to artificial life/intelligence projects, with nice collection of
links to swarming Java applets.
- Artificial Life Games -
Links to various artificial life "games", including entertaining, educational
and art related sites.
- Artificial Life Games - Developer of artificial
life games as free software with open source code - download the game and source code.
- Artificial Life Guide - A broad
introduction to artificial life presented in an attractive way.
- Artificial Life Journal
- Published by the MIT press
- Artificial Life on the Web - A web-oriented
artificial-life site: Alife, genetic-algorithm and cellular-automata experiments written
in cross-platform web languages (Java, tcl/tk), with free source code.
- Artificial Life Online - A great repository of
artificial life information at The Santa Fe Institute. Includes background information,
links, software and more.
- Aut�matas Celulares/Cellular Automata
- Some theoretical and practical aspects about Cellular Automata, complex dynamical
systems based on local interactions and with global emergent properties.
- The Avida Artificial Life Group - The
avida group is studying the processes which make living systems appear 'alive'.
- - A group project exploring living 3D
asthetic worlds.
- Boids (Flocks, Herds, and Schools) - Craig
Reynolds' page including a Java-based demonstration and many links to related research and
- Bug Page( -'s
BUG PAGE -- Visit this site to get the latest alife news and alife free products!
- CALresCo - Complexity and Alife Research and
information - CALResCo promotes free world-wide education about Complex Systems
- CD-Rom of Tufts Symposium - Artificial
Intelligence and Darwinism Symposium held at Tufts University in March 1995
- Centre for Neural
and Adaptive Systems - Artificial life modeling. Angelo Cangelosi works on models of
the evolution of language and communication and on neural networks and genetic algorithms.
Steve Hill uses artificial life for economics modeling at the University of Plymouth (UK).
- FAQ: Artificial Life
- Computer simulation of
societies - A library of links related to social simulation around the world.
- C.O.P.P. Software Flanders - Artificial
Life for everyone, including the Biotopia project (alife for newbies) and VITAL (the
virtual institute of technology of artificial life, an open institute for amateur
- Evolution, Learning and
Popper's Epistemology - A paper on why Genetic Learning Systems are a straightforward
implementation of a core epistemological principle
- The Future of Cyberspace:
An Organic Development? - A site that explores the evolution of the net and compares
it to that of the workings of collective animals like bees, ants, termites and
- Geb - Evolving AI-Life - Alastair
Channon's artificial life project.
- Hitch-Hiker's
Guide to Evolutionary Computation - The FAQ for, the genetic computing
- ISAAC and EINSTein - An Artificial-Life Approach
to Land Warfare
- Java Applets for Neural
Network and Artificial Life - An exaustive list or programs using alife type
techniques (English/Japanese)
- Jeffrey Ventrella's Site - Gene Pool, Darwin
Pond and papers on Artificial Life.
- Multi-Agent Simulation of
Honey Bee Colonies - A mathematical model to study the thermoregulation of Honey Bee
- New Scientist: AI AND
A-LIFE - A authorative guide to these two topics form the UKs leading sciences
- Out of Control - The
complete book by Kevin Kelly online.
- PHD research - Alessio
Gaspar - Some interesting work on topics including artificial Genes and how time
effects dynamic environments.
- Philosophy of Artificial
Life Bibliography - A gathering of citations and minimal annotations of all work
concerning philosophical issues related to Artificial Life.
- Scott Robert Ladd's ALife
Central - Complexity Applications and Science
- The Temple of Alife - Interactive
demos of alife.
- Tierra home page - Tierra
is a self generated ecosystem that exists in computer memory.
- UNM Adaptive Comp.
- The adaptive computational group at the University of New Mexico.
- Virtual ALife Library
- On-line repository of ALife papers.
- Zooland - An excellent collection
of resources for those interested in studying artifical life.
- Usenet - news:
- Usenet comp.theory.self-org-sys - news:
- Usenet comp.theory.dynamic-sys - news:
- Usenet comp.theory.cell-automata - news:
- Usenet - news: