- All Project Management - Information, newsletter,
books and links to other resources.
- BicX of Minnesota - BicX (Business Improvement
Consulting Corp) offers Management Consulting, Y2K Consulting and a full array of Business
Management Consulting.
- Business Management Consultants - Provides
training, consulting services, seminars, and tools for project managers.
- Contracting Management, Inc.
- Construction Management Services on Assisted Living Facilities, Churches, Schools, etc.!
- CrossTalk Journal (DOD)
- CrossTalk, The Journal of Defense Software Engineering is an approved Department of
Defense journal. CrossTalk's mission is to encourage the engineering development of
software in order to improve the reliability, maintainability, and responsiveness.
Includes varied articles relating to techniques and tools.
- eProject.com - Site for managing your project on
the web. Free registration and has features like a calendar, problem reporting and forums.
- Managing After Downsizing -
Techniques for reenergizing the people who remain and must pick up the slack in a
downsized organization. Execpc.com site, Shepler's Managedown page.
- PM TIMES - Project Management Times, the UK's
first PM newspaper with the largest circulation of any PM publication in the UK.
- Programme Support Services including
Programme Management and Technical Support - The ever increasing pressure to reduce
risk and cost whilst maintaining product quality and reliability, dictates all project
phases are expertly managed to ensure these criteria are met.
- Serendipity - Quality professional
and informed management and editorial services to the publishing industry and to private
- Visual Basic Project Management Journal - Visual
Basic Project Management Journal (VBPMJ) is for project managers, QA managers,
programmers, and anyone who wants to go beyond the VB code. It has book reviews, a
discussion group, and articles to help you improve your VB skills.